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Women Who Have Been Underpaid, Tell Us How You Found Out

Sharing your story could help someone else.

Nobody should be underpaid for their work, but because of the gender pay gap, American women get paid an average of 82 cents for every dollar men make. And because there's so much secrecy around pay in many companies, it can be really hard to tell if you're being paid fairly or not.

So if you've ever uncovered a gender pay gap at your job, I'm super curious to hear how you finally found out.

Maybe your boss printed a bunch of papers and forgot to get them out of the printer. When you went to use the printer next, you found a salary table showing that you get paid $10,000 less than your male peers for no real reason.

Businesswoman using a printer

Or perhaps you were leaving a review for your employer on Glassdoor and noticed several salaries reported by others in your role that looked *a lot* higher than what you see on your paycheck.

Woman working on a laptop at home

Or maybe you had a nagging feeling that you weren't being paid the same, so you asked a trusted coworker in a similar role if he'd feel comfortable sharing his salary with you.

Share your story in the comments below or via this anonymous Google form, and you could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.

And for more stories about all things money, check out the rest of our personal finance posts.