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If You're A Cryptocurrency Investor, We Want To Hear Your Story

We wanna hear about your wins, your losses, and everything in between.

Cryptocurrencies (think Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, and many, many more) are in the news a lot these days. Just last week, El Salvador became the first country in the world to recognize Bitcoin as legal tender, and you've probably seen a few stories about regular people who invested at just the right time to make big gains.

Business in El Salvador that accepts bitcoin payments

But as a semi-experienced investor, I know that there are pluses and minuses (and risks!) involved in any investment. And as someone who still doesn't ~totally~ understand crypto, I'm extremely curious to learn what your experiences investing in it have really been like.

Maybe you had great luck with your coins at first and saw some nice returns...only to lose it all when a few poorly-timed trades put you back at square one.

Or perhaps you bought crypto after news stories about people making lots of money in it gave you a serious case of FOMO. But once you bought in, the prices started to fall.

Maybe you started investing small amounts of money in crypto, and as you learned more about the market you invested more. Though the prices are volatile, you're happy to keep holding your coins for now.

Or perhaps you made money on your crypto trades that helped you meet a major financial milestone, like buying a car or home or paying off your student loans.

Share your crypto investing story with us in the comments below or via this anonymous Google form, and you could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.

And for the latest money tips and tricks, check out the rest of our personal finance posts.