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    Finals Situations That #ILLINOIS Students Know All Too Well

    Finals are upon us here at Illinois. Here are a few things we've all had to go through.

    You show up to your usual study spot to find that it's been commandeered by some person you've never seen there before

    You promised yourself you’d study all night, but you also promised yourself you’d check out what all the hype is about Stranger Things

    You feel invincible once you find a Quizlet covering final exam material

    There are a few ways friendships can go this week:

    1. Productive group study sessions all week long

    2. Or everyone disappears without a trace

    3. The only time you see your friends is on Snapchat while they're out having fun and catching up on their stories was your reward for typing a paragraph of your 10 page research paper

    You’ll probably be so tired that you forget to eat 3 or more times throughout the week

    You rush to get to Lincoln, Foellinger, Noyes and Altgeld early to pick out a good seat

    Pep talks and positive affirmations before your exam are essential

    Your professor assured you that if you came to class the exam would be a breeze

    After you finish that last final it feels like the darkest days are over, your skin clears up, and you can finally rest!

    It's bittersweet leaving campus and your friends, but you have next semester to make even more memories