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    IGF-II: The New Way To Get Swole

    (ANSC 452 Assignment) Have you ever wondered: How are we going to feed the world? How do those little mice get such big muscles? Can we actually make animals more muscular? Well, here is part of the answer: IGF-II

    1. Muscle Growth Promoter

    2. How does this work?

    3. Maternally Imprinted

    4. Receptors Used

    5. Just for the prenatal?


    [1] Clark, D. L., Clark, D. I., Beever, J. E., & Dilger, A. C. (2015). Increased prenatal IGF2 expression due to the porcine IGF2 intron3-G3072A mutation may be responsible for increased muscle mass. American Society of Animal Science.

    [2] Clark, D. L., Clark, D. I., Hogen, E. K., Kroscher, K. A., & Dilger, A. C. (2015). Elevated insulin-like growth factor 2 expression may contribute to the hypermuscular phenotype of myostatin null mice. Growth Hormone & IGF Research.

    [3] Kaku K, K., Osada H,, H., Seki, K., & Sekiya, S. (2007). Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) and IGF2 receptor gene variants are associated with fetal growth. Acta Paediatr.

    [4] Li, R., Pourpak, A., & Morris*, S. W. (2010). Inhibition of the Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Receptor (IGF1R) Tyrosine Kinase as a Novel Cancer Therapy Approach. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.

    [5] Mohammed, R. H., Anderton, H., Brameld, J. M., & Sweetman, D. (2017). Effects of insulin like growth factors on early embryonic chick limb myogenesis. PLOS One.