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    Sun Tzu's Advice On Sex

    Minimize Casualties. Protect Your Missiles.

    1. Make sure you show up well prepared.

    2. It starts at making the right first move.

    3. Know how to use the weapons you brought and know the opponents weapons.

    4. Think before you act.

    5. Once you give the green light, be committed, there is no escape.

    6. Know how to wrap it up

    7. Minimize the casualties

    8. If catastrophe strikes make sure to regroup before simply continuing.

    9. Value your opposing force's life as you value your own.

    10. Trick and surprise the other force with the right moves.

    11. Only use fire when you know what you're doing.

    12. Know your boundaries.

    13. If adventurous and the gold is good, share it.

    14. Bring an end to it when the timing is right.

    15. Finish on a pleasant note.

    *All quotes are taken from Sun Tzu's: "The Art of War"

    Tzu, Sun. "Original The Art of War Translation (not Giles)." Sonshi® - Educational Resource for Sun Tzu's The Art of War. N.p., 1999. Web. 05 Nov. 2016.