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    A Recent Study Shows A Huge Problem For Bisexual People

    If you have ever said "Bisexuality isn't real" this ones for you...

    An new article released this past November has some troubling news...

    A journal article published recently in the Journal of Sex Research has found some troubling information. It has found that of every sexuality minority bisexual people are most likely to have the poorest physical health and poorest mental health.

    The researchers, professors from Harvard University and American University, concluded the reason why bisexual people are at risk for the poorest physical and mental health is thanks to prejudice and stigma or what they call Bisexual-specific minority stress. Meaning that if you, a friend, or someone you know have ever said something to someone Bisexual that is often said to Bisexual people a.k.a. "Bisexuality isn't real" or "choose a side", you may be part of the problem.

    The study surveyed 488 adults. The adults were a mix of cisgendered men and women, transgender men and women, and gender fluid men and women. Their sexualities were either gay, lesbian, heterosexual, or bisexual. So what exactly did this research find out? Here are four things we now know:

    1. Cisgender bisexual men have less bisexual specific minority stress then cisgender bisexual women.

    2. Bisexual transgender people face the poorest physical and mental health in comparison to everyone else.

    3. Bisexual women are more likely to have depression compared to lesbian and heterosexual women.

    4. Biphobia is present not only in social life but in health care practice as well, giving stress to bisexual people in many spaces.

    So what can we do?

    Here's to erasing biphobia and being better to one another!