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Tell Us About Your Period Sex Horror Stories

What happens when sexy time turns into the prom scene from Carrie?

Most women receive a visit from Aunt Flo every month. So, at a certain point, you're bound to have done the ~deed~ while on your period.

Plus, lots of women get extra horny during "that time of the month."

So, while having period sex is totally normal and usually turns out just fine, sometimes things take a crazy turn!

Perhaps you were hooking up with someone for the first time and didn't realize your period had started, and the next morning it looked like a crime scene on their white sheets.

Or maybe you were sleeping over at your boo's house and the period shits made a surprise visit.

Whatever happened — we want to hear about it! This is a safe space, so tell us your period sex horror stories (and don't be scared to go into detail!) via the DropBox below.