16 People Who Got Cheated On Are Sharing The Dead-Giveaways That Their Partner Was Having An Affair

    "'Washing penis in the sink...suspicious.'"

    In her new documentary, Pamela, A Love Story, Pam Anderson reveals that she realized that one of her first boyfriends was cheating on her when she caught him washing his penis in the sink. She added that she actually wrote about the event in her diary at the time, "'Washing penis in sink — suspicious.'"

    Well, Reddit user u/Kindayoungbutok recently asked, "What is a dead giveaway that you’re being cheated on?" and while there's no one behavior that is a sign your partner is 100% cheating, people are sharing a few behaviors that could potentially be indicators that your partner is seeing someone else:

    1. "My ex would sleep with her phone under her pillow. This was a time before the internet was available on your phone, there was nothing to do on a phone other than call and text. Most phones also didn’t have screen locks with passwords or facial recognition. Anyone could get on your phone, so the best way to avoid this would be to hide it or sleep with it under your pillow so if someone does try to get it, they wake you up. I had an idea of what was happening and would keep an eye on this guy's MySpace profile because I thought she was cheating on me with him. Then he posted one of the questionnaire things that were popular at the time, one of the questions was, 'Who did you last kiss?' His answer was my ex. MySpace Tom had my back.


    2. "When she tells you she's having dinner with her brother...while you're having dinner with her brother."


    3. "Their 'co-worker' sent a 'Goodnight babe. I love you.' text in the middle of the night."


    4. "If they cheated on someone to be with you, well....don't be shocked, is all."

    Man removes engagement ring

    5. "My ex used to get so angry if I walked in the door and went to pee right away. I drive an hour home from work due to traffic. Having to pee is not abnormal. He made it a thing. The bathroom was right inside the door, and he would be at the other end of the house. Apparently going into the bathroom before seeing him was equivalent to me washing off the scent of my lover. Every time he accused me of anything, looking back, that’s exactly what he was guilty of."


    6. "When my partner was cheating, he was really oversensitive to any implication that I didn't trust him. I'd text something like 'what are you doing?' and he'd get all defensive when it was really just a straight-up question on my part."


    7. "These days, watch their phone behavior, for starters. Do they hide the screen when you walk behind them? Have they added a password or changed the password? (This may be innocent but could be suspicious.) Are they texting into the wee hours of the night while neglecting you? Have they disabled the little notifications that pop up without having to unlock the phone? Some of these might not be a problem on their own, but you'll often notice other behaviors at the same time, like they ignore and neglect you more, find reasons to be in another room, take their phone to the bathroom all the time, or go for lots of breaks away from you. You're on the lookout for secretive behaviors, neglect, and distance."

    Man stares at woman in bed on her phone

    8. "When they become cagey about things they're normally open about. I've known a couple of people who did this. Very open, liked to talk about their entire day, and would answer nearly any question. Then suddenly they'd be out on a night with their friend/s and the details of the night could be summed up in a couple of words or there'd be odd gaps in the story while they remember and try to sort through it all."


    9. "His phone said 'no caller id' instead of 'No Caller ID'"


    10. "It's oddly specific as this is how I knew: The girl he was cheating with was conspicuous in absence. He told me everything about his co-workers except for this one. I thought something was going on and sadly, I was right. For anyone who’s reading this and either has suspicions or has been cheated on, I need you to know it’s not a reflection on you. It’s not your fault, and you will be okay. "


    11. "Phone keeps ringing but he won't answer it."

    Hand holding phone

    12. "I had a cool/odd/crazy/shitty experience. I talk in my sleep and one day (three months before we were to get married) I had a nightmare about my ex cheating on me with a guy I worked with and I actually woke both of us up mumbling some shit about it. When I told her what my dream was she got cagey, so I checked our cellphone bill and found out that she had been texting that very same guy nonstop for weeks. I confronted her and she admitted to cheating on me with him. A dream set me free. What's also funny is that I don't recall having any kind of trust issues with him and her when we hung out, but something inside me apparently did."


    13. "Name dropping. When they bring someone up over and over in even the most tangentially related situations. If they say it's an innocuous friendship or a colleague but their name keeps coming up all the time, chances are you're right to be concerned."


    14. "When your stomach feels distance and disconnect, it’s time to dig and hope your gut instinct was wrong this time. Mine wasn’t and found out all I needed to know to end my marriage."


    15. "An interesting one I haven't seen in the comments yet: They start doing more, more small gifts, more help around the house, and simply just more involved in the relationship. This isn't always the reason why there was a sudden shift, but this can be an easily missed sign. The shift can happen because they feel guilty and are trying to make it up to you, it could be them trying to manipulate you into never even considering the idea of them cheating because they're so considerate, or maybe it's them trying to make it up to you without telling you. This isn't a sign of cheating on its own though, it's just a sign that maybe you need to pay more attention and be alert to the relationship."

    Small gift with heart tag

    16. "When they randomly start arguments for no reason or just start being disrespectful out of the blue. Ignoring you for long periods of time."


    What's a wild indicator that made you realize that you were being cheated on? Tell me in the comments!