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    11 Memes Only "Minecraft" Lovers Will Understand

    Besides reading and writing, if you ask me what do I do? I take not even a second and tell you, I am Minecraft freak. There is something so satisfying in building blocks. An that totally made my heart felt so delighted. Let's see some of the greatest memes only Minecraft Lovers will understand.

    Have you Ever seen Minecraft tested so finger lickin good :)

    That's what exactly feels like to be much of a Minecraft player

    An Architect, and a minecraft lover.

    In Minecraft, never dig straight down.

    That is how it feels to play Minecraft.

    That is why a lot of Minecraft quit!

    When Minecraft fan sees a Mountain

    Minecraft Watermelons be like...

    That's exactly the love life of a Minecraft players.

    When Your Minecraft friend has One diamond...

    MInecraft Lovers don't care about Resolution.

    When your CPS in Minecraft is pretty low