A Comedian Asked If People Would Torture A Terrorist To Save Their Baby And People Freaked Out

    A baby strapped to a timebomb is Britain's version of Baby Hitler.

    Yesterday the president of the United States said torture works, and today a panellist from a sports-themed comedy show that was popular in the 1990s agreed.

    After criticising the "whining of the ultra left", comedian Lee Hurst, a regular on BBC1's They Think It's All Over between the years of 1995 and 1998, then posed a hypothetical question:

    People were a bit confused. Where did this terrorist come from, why does he have someone's baby, and why is "#torture" the only possible response?

    Some people got very invested in the narrative.

    Some tried to point out the scenario wasn't perhaps 100% watertight, but Hurst was having none of it.

    So people started running with the hypothetical.

    Baby Hitler and other assorted Nazis got dragged into it.

    And people got more and more invested in the concept.

    Until someone sensible finally pointed out the big flaw in Hurst's question.

    They think it's all over...

    ... it is now.