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Tell Us Something About Being A Hollywood Assistant That People Would Be Surprised To Know

Raise your hand if you've been personally victimized by a talent agency's mailroom.

Have you ever worked as an assistant in the entertainment industry? If so, we want to hear your stories and secrets from your time behind-the-scenes in Hollywood.

Maybe you gave an agent with a toxic temper the wrong lunch order, and had to dodge the office supplies they chucked at your head.

Perhaps you were promised that you'd get a certain holiday like Christmas or Thanksgiving off, only to get an urgent call from your boss asking where the hell you were in the middle of your family dinner.

Or maybe all that time spent crying in a talent agency's bathroom was worth it, because assisting A-list talent gave you access to A-list perks, like invites to movie premieres, trips on private jets, and the most valuable currency of all, juicy celebrity gossip.

If you've ever worked in the entertainment industry – whether you were an intern, assistant, or even an exec – use the comments below (or this anonymous Google form) to tell us your wildest secrets and stories from the job!

The best submissions will be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!