Women, Tell Us The Little Red Flags You Look For When You're Using Dating Apps

    An empty profile is not a friendly profile.

    It's 2022 and all of our human experiences have been distilled into app form, love and dating included. Dating apps, while often effective (and fun), are a relatively new addition to day-to-day life, and we're all still trying to figure 'em out. So I wanted to ask the women of the BuzzFeed Community which little red flags they look for while they're on the apps.

    Maybe you're alarmed when a user doesn't include their political affiliation on their profile...

    ...or only includes photos of themselves in huge groups, aka the Where's Waldo of online dating.

    people partying in a room

    Perhaps you're less concerned with the profile than you are with the messaging and you're put off when the person you're messaging skips the small talk and gets super personal (or intense, or sexual) right away.

    a person laying on the couch on their phone

    Share your hard-won dating app wisdom in the comments or on this anonymous Google Form to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.