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    Pitch Ideas For Internship, Top 6:

    Internship position pitches:

    1. Marsha Jobaida Enclosure: Pitch ideas Tinder Babies: A look into the lives of tinder hookups that have lead to pregnancies, (pictures of babies if available), and their stories. The most Instagrammable places of ____ City: Los Angeles, New York, Chicago. All cities have hype places with aesthetic. This would be an article based on the city, and where to go for the most up and coming picture perfect areas. Shows that stole our hearts: The newest and hottest series. From Netflix, television networks etc. The most talked about shows that are making impressions and leaving marks. My worst Tinder dates: Taking sources from Tinder, OKCupid, Bumble etc. hearing people's stories and their worst tinder dates (and possibly their best?) Women of our time: Hearing stories of women who have struggled and fought through battles, being able to publish their inspiring stories (especially great after the women’s march) What to wear and what not to wear on a first date: People are nervous as it is on a first dat

    A look into the lives of tinder hookups that have lead to pregnancies, (pictures of babies if available), and their stories.

    2. The most Instagrammable places of ____ City:

    Los Angeles, New York, Chicago. All cities have hype places with aesthetic. This would be an article based on the city, and where to go for the most up and coming picture perfect areas.

    3. Shows that stole our hearts:

    The newest and hottest series. From Netflix, television networks etc. The most talked about shows that are making impressions and leaving marks.

    4. My worst Tinder dates:

    Taking sources from Tinder, OKCupid, Bumble etc. hearing people's stories and their worst tinder dates (and possibly their best?)

    5. Women of our time:

    Hearing stories of women who have struggled and fought through battles, being able to publish their inspiring stories (especially great after the women’s march)

    6. What to wear and what not to wear on a first date:

    People are nervous as it is on a first date. Let’s give them locations of typical first date places and ideas of what they should wear and what they should avoid.