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    Top Halloween Costume Fails

    Another Halloween come and gone, and with it, the onslaught of Costumes to feast your eyes on, the good the bad and the plain ugly. Here are some of the best laughable moments, when , despite their best efforts people should have gotten a "Hard No" before they left for trick or treating.

    1. That one time you really wanted to be Superwoman, and Barbarella and Cone-Bra Madonna...all at the same time.. but, with big hair...

    2. When Bert & Ernie grew up... and the struggle of adult life became all too real

    3. Ummmmmm..................

    4. That one time the Ninja Turtles decided to indulge on a spa weekend and over did it on the Body Wraps

    5. Who lives in a pineapple under the see... Spongebob Squarepants?

    6. When Iron Man decides to put everyone's alcohol goggles to the test.

    7. This baby is probably wishing he were the real Wilson in Cast Away so he could be far away in a deserted island... mostly away from his parents

    8. That time we bumped into Winnie Pooh after he left the Hundred Acre Wood for college and realized he's all grown up now

    9. Tigger was there too, he and Pooh are roommates now

    10. Parenting 101 : Starting them off young

    11. Is he dressed as a "Walking Irony" ..or are his parents paying it forward and reminding people to be safe... exhibit A: their cautionary tale

    12. To Infinity and Beyond...testing the limits of Infinity tape

    13. Totes bro... Nailed the 'Darth Vader" look

    14. A real life American Horror Story

    15. Parenting 101: Silence of the little ones... He told his parents he refused to start helping with chores