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    Capturing "Today's Society" In Comics

    I'm an artist and student at the George Washington University. For a class project, I recently captured current political events in comics. Initially, it was just for the class, but after getting good feedback from other people, I've decided to leave these books across the popular areas of D.C. It covers everything from objectifying women to the current situation of minorities. More of my work can be seen on Instagram: @maarsart

    My art usually revolves around current political events, and this is my latest work. It's a chapbook, which is just a small booklet containing works of art or poetry etc. There are multiple drawing subjects, but they are all relating to the same theme- current events. All the drawings are self- explanatory. Here is the first page.

    I have used art and writing as an outlet since I was in high school. I've never really been good at talking about my feelings, so art became my outlet. Everything that I feel, I pour into art.

    I made these comics 2 weeks following the inauguration, when I reached my breaking point.

    Women have been objectified from the beginning of time. We are expected to look a certain way and to act a certain way. Others have more control over our bodies, than we do ourselves.

    Being an immigrant in this country, I am greatly effected by everything that is going around.

    Most of these comics revolve around women, which, clearly, still is an issue that we need to work on. Equal pay? Equality?

    It's inevitable. My sister was 6 when she said "I wish I was a boy." And this wasn't in any other sense except for the fact that life for them seemed simpler. When a 6 year- old says that, you know there's something really wrong there.

    "Humanity is the greatest religion."

    LGBTQ+ rights are another thing that I'm vocal about. Given the recent circumstances, not a lot of people feel safe.

    No matter what shape, size, or color, we are all beautiful.