S Club 7 Secretly Were The Best English Pop Group Of The '00s

    Ain't no party like an S Club party!

    This is S Club 7.

    Their career began when the septet acted in a popular BBC television program called Miami 7.

    Then they made a bunch of really weird/totally amazing movies.

    And the song "Bring It All Back" Happened.

    View this video on YouTube


    The world became obsessed. Seriously, such an amazing tune! It's all sunshine and rainbows and happiness.

    So they became the best English pop group of the early '00s.

    They're basically the power rangers.

    There were seven of them, they usually wore different colors and kids loved to watch them. Logic!

    Teenagers and High School Teachers loved them, too!

    This sort of looks like an ad for a small liberal arts college but, like, in the best way?

    Pretty sure the "S" stands for SERIOUSLY AWESOME.

    S Club 7 is so cool, they can casually stroll on a runaway without getting ushered away by security.

    They were egoless unlike these JERKS:

    They kept it simple.

    There are gems of life advice littered in their lyrics.

    They could party!

    And they were incredible dancers.

    Expertly choreographed moves!

    Look how adorable they are!

    They were sultry.

    But also arty.

    They had a billion of these fanzine things dedicated to them.

    No one else could pull of this hair style.

    They're award winning!

    This guy's name is Bradley McIntosh.

    Just look at them at the beach!
