She & Him Are The Most Delightful Band Of All Time

    They're the sonic equivalent of a curtsy!

    This is She & Him.

    This is She.

    This is He.

    They make the sweetest music possible.

    View this video on YouTube

    Literally everyone can appreciate it!

    She has a classic voice...

    ...and he has chops for days.

    They are super adorable!

    Even when they try not to be.

    Look at them on a boat!

    I'm pretty sure they never go out without coordinating their outfits.

    See what I mean?

    Also dance moves.

    They were born in the wrong era...

    ...Because they are too attractive for 2013.

    All of the eras, really!

    They are basically the musical form of this:

    Sweet and classic!

    Stay delightful, guys!