21 Reasons Mac Miller Is Essentially Your Weird Cousin

    And that is why you love him.

    Say hello to Mac Miller.

    1. And he is basically your cousin. You know the one.

    2. I mean, just look at how friendly he is!

    3. And bizarre.

    4. The only people stranger than him are, well, his closest friends.

    5. But seriously... everything about him is odd. Including his diet.

    6. And because he is weird, everything is super fun.

    7. But when it comes down to behaving, he knows what's up.

    8. This isn't exactly what I would call "practicing what you preach."

    9. All of his tattoos are fairly questionable.

    10. Probably something important, because he definitely cares about the issues.

    11. He always has a very attractive AND fun girlfriend.

    12. He probably meets them at the "I'm super awesome and charming" party.

    13. Dude is full of these surprisingly witty remarks.

    See what I mean?

    14. The jokes never end.

    15. Which allows him to stay positive.

    The ultimate in positive.

    16. And even still: confusion and honesty are his two biggest personality traits.

    17. Sometimes he just really need to chill the eff out.

    18. But when he is serious, he keeps it super real.

    19. And let's face it, he's still a total badass.

    20. Underneath it all, he's a big softy...

    21. Because he loves you.