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12 Signs You Love Dad Music

Dads are the best, so no wonder you want to like the same things as them. Dad Rawk Forever!

1. You know what this is.

2. This song is more than a google commercial.

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Some guy tries to go from Washington State to Los Angeles by searching for directions on Google, but more importantly, he obsessively listens to The National's "Apartment Story," which is awesome and very much dad rock.

3. This is your version of Shazaam.

4. In fact, most of your favorite artists have been inducted here.

5. You know music sounds better when played on this.

6. You know that this is the best summer song of all time.

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The Eagles "Hotel California" might be one of the world's most perfect songs. Seriously, try to find someone who doesn't love this.

7. And this is the ultimate sex song.

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Back. In. Black.

8. This is where you want to be, like, all the time.

9. In fact, music just sounds better when you're doing this.

10. You probably own one (or all) of these band shirts.

11. You know that the best songs reference whiskey.

See what I mean?

12. But most importantly, you've been caught in this compromising position.