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    5 Reasons you should stop eating meat

    Before the days of Chicken McNuggets and Big Macs, American colonists relied on hunting wild animals for their meat supply. As technology advanced and domesticated livestock supplies increased people began to trade meat with the West Indies in exchange for molasses. Traders would use methods such as salting and smoking to preserve the meat in what would become known as “meat packing.” Eventually a man from Massachusetts named William Pynchon started the first commercial meat packing business which transported and packed large amounts of pork. As cities grew and the Industrial Revolution took hold, demand for meat increased at a rapid pace. This prompted the establishment of large cattle ranches which raised cattle and transported them via cattle trails to railroad stops. The trains would then take the cattle to packaging facilities in places like Cincinnati, Buffalo, Milwaukee and Chicago. Flash forward a couple hundred years and meat is a central part of the United States’ culture, diet and economy. The average American consumes 200.6 lbs of meat per year placing the United States in second place for global per capita meat consumption. In 2015 US beef exports totaled $5.6 billion dollars. When you consider that animal agriculture is at the forefront of perpetuating problems like global hunger, natural resource depletion and climate change these numbers are quite alarming. As American consumers we are in a unique position of influence to address the problems caused by the meat industry. We have a responsibility to inform ourselves on the impacts of our consumer decisions and adjust our actions accordingly.

    1. Animal agriculture contributes to the destruction of the Amazon

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    The World Bank reports that 91% of deforested areas in the Amazon are used for cattle ranching. Our consumer demand for meat products serves as a central incentive for raising more cattle and consequently destroying more of the Amazon. This is problematic for many reasons including bio- diversity loss and carbon emissions. With the Amazon providing a home for over 40,000 different species, our decision to eat meat impacts many more animals than just cows and chickens. Secondly, the Amazon Rainforest serves as a carbon sink for CO2 in our atmosphere. As humans continue to burn fossil fuels and exacerbate carbon emissions, carbon sinks like the Amazon are increasingly important for the well-being and stability of our planet.

    2. Animal agriculture exacerbates Greenhouse Gas emissions

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    According to The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization the livestock sector accounts for 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This is more than the GHG emissions produced by all of the world’s trains, cars and planes combined. This shows that we don't need to wait to buy an expensive hybrid car, we can make an impact today by reducing our consumption of animal products.

    Additionally, the livestock sector generates 65% of human produced nitrous oxide. Most of these emissions are caused by manure.

    3. The production of meat is extremely water intensive

    4. We already grow enough food to sustain the entire human population, but instead we feed cows

    5. The problem is only getting worse