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    Incorporating Big Data Modelling Tools And Techniques In To Your Workflow

    Technologies like IoT (Internet of Things) and smart sensors create voluminous data everyday from multiple connected or disconnected sources available on the web. If we have the proper tools and techniques, then collected data can be used to develop meaningful insights that can incorporate efficient products and services.

    How big data helps your business in the global marketplace?

    # Scientists and engineers could make relevant business decisions much faster and quicker than ever.

    # With the right big data tools and techniques, you can take your products and services to the next level in the global marketplace.

    # You would be able to make your business services more scalable and efficient that will help you in gaining competitive advantages over others.

    For engineers or present big data users, integrating big data tools into a workflow seems a daunting task. Big thanks to all modeling tools and techniques that have made working with big data much interesting and more intuitive. These tools help engineers to access multiple data sets together and generating predictive models with the available data by the addition of certain functions or syntax.

    Accessing, exploring, and processing large datasets

    Data Accessing

    To enjoy the maximum benefits from the big data, experts need a special tool that can access data from multiple sources where data is stored in multiple formats. When data in multiple formats has to be stored on a single location, then overall data management could be challenging for the data experts.

    Take an example, when image data stored on shared drives has to be combined with metadata stored in the database. In this case, data collected from different sources must be aggregated first and you need to develop a predictive model for the same.

    In the below screenshot, you can see big data is collected from multiple sources and further it is well explored and processed to empower data visualization, data statistics, and machine learning.

    Data Exploration

    At the next stage, you need to explore the data well to understand the behavior of the system before you create any predictive model from collected data. Here, you should use data analysis and data modeling tools to make the data exploration process easier for you. These tools make it easier for the data experts to work with big data more efficiently and wisely.

    Further, multiple machine learning algorithms are generated by the data experts that are used across large datasets to implement a final predictive model. Once data is accessed from multiple sources and before you go for the final processing, it is necessary to understand the data well that has a major impact on the final outputs.

    Before actual data processing or creating a final modeling theory, data exploration helps organizations in multiple ways –

    # It helps in removing unwanted or repeated data spread across the worksheets.

    # It also helps in identifying bad data that needs to vanish from worksheets.

    # It finds out the missing data from the worksheets that still needs to be collected from multiple web sources.


    # At the end, it gives you higher relevant data necessary to create the final data-modeling theory.

    Let us have a quick look at the techniques that will help in quick data exploration even if it is too big to store in system memory and desktop workstations.

    Data visualization – It helps in viewing data patterns quickly to gain meaningful insights from the same.

    Data cleansing – This process identifies bad data or repeated data that needs to be removed from worksheets. Programmer automates the process on systems where new data will be cleaned automatically as soon as it is added to the system. There are special tools are also available to automate the process.

    Data reduction – The job of a data analyst or a data scientist is to find out most influential data files that are relevant to the business. With the help of data reduction techniques, experts would be able to create more compact data-models that are easy to understand for the end-users.

    Big data tools - As we have discussed already, data exploration techniques help engineers to work with big data efficiently even if it is too big to store in system memory and desktop workstations. Now, this is the right time to choose an enterprise level big data platform to execute the machine learning algorithms created earlier.

    This would be great if you can choose some system where algorithms can be executed faster without making multiple changes to the code or syntax every time.

    Data processing

    To make maximum profits from big data, every process from data accessing to creating predictive models and deploying these models on big data platforms should be supported. However, incorporating models with your current business scenario may be a difficult task for the engineers or data scientists.

    Final words

    To incorporate models with your current business scenario, the application developers need to look for data modeling tools and techniques, they are already familiar with. By leveraging such tools, engineers and data experts can not only access, explore or process data well but they gain the ability to integrate models and insights into products or business services too.

    Click to know more about Big Data Hadoop