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    16 Feels From Traveling Solo You Shouldn't Get Over

    Even it it becomes one of those cliched "things you must do in life" traveling solo will always be life changing for you in your own way. These are somethings I won't ever give up on after trying it out.

    Those sleepless nights of excitement as you read articles on Timeout, Travel+living, Thrillist to be ever ready for the trip.

    Peeping out of the airplane/ train like an excited dog hanging his head outside a car

    Intensely looking at signs at the airport and being confused about what to do next (that's what happens when ya try and read a new language)

    Then attempting to speak the new language but butchering it big time

    Just cherishing the days of minimal human interaction

    When your parents are paranoid & decided to double their amount of calls to you. But you avoid them, just cause... (after 10 missed calls)

    Living the stomach burst moment after trying way too much local food your belly can't handle.

    Feeling like you are the baby from baby’s day out gazing at all that is around you

    Feeling super social while asking people for directions. (cause your on data roaming & google maps be like $$$)

    Feeling a lil anxious walking on a weird looking street and then walking faster and then running like an idiot cause you think “something” is following you (don’t forget that cause it’s like your emergency exit in unseen situations, also pepper spray – show your kickboxing moves later)

    Finding a spot and staring into space like a dramatic scene from a romance-drama movie cause that’s what happens when you reflect on life.

    Feeling like you conquered the world when you tried something for the first time

    Feeling like your IQ got a notch up cause your brain was fed with the visual and factual knowledge of a new place

    Just feelin “eh, my life is pretttty happening”

    Returning back with the excitement of planning the next adventure and then realizing there ain’t any savings

    Accepting the idea that you’ll probably be living broke for a while cause this is too special to give up. <3