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    10 Reasons Why Alpho Is My Forever <3

    This post is to share and tell everyone that my boyfriend is the best!

    10. He is low-maintenance. He is effortlessly gorgeous.He is my Mr.Handsome

    9. His eyes always sparkle when he looks at me. They speak so much of his soul.

    8. He never runs out of cute little surprises for me and they never fail to sweep me off my feet every time.

    7. He tells me I’m beautiful even when I don’t believe it; his words sound like truth in its most innocent form.

    6. He has a good memory. He remembers the little things: every detail of our first date, our stopover sequence on our first trip to the beach, the first all-healthy meal we had together, the last movie we watched together, and the movie before that. He remembers absolutely everything.

    5. He has a life apart from “us.” He makes time for his boys, he bonds with his friends,his relatives, and he has his “me” time, too. His world doesn’t entirely revolve around me, and that’s a good thing.

    4. He’s only selfish when it comes to me. He wants me all to himself, but even so, I feel complete freedom knowing I’m all his.

    3. He sends me random “I love you” in between no-communication hours just to let me know I’m on his mind.

    2. He makes me laugh so hard I feel a 6-pack forming every time—makes me not want to go back to the gym anymore.

    1. Last,Not The Least But The Most Important...No Matter Even If The World Turns Upside-Down,He Loves Me More Than Anything or Anyone In This World And Would NEVER Let Me Go