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35 Cheap And Ingenious Ways To Have The Best Classroom Ever

You'll wish you knew about these organization and decoration ideas sooner.

1. Buy canvas work aprons and turn them into seat sacks.

2. Save your ears! Cover chair feet with tennis balls.

3. Add some extra seating options with DIY crate stools.

4. Or a DIY crate bench.

5. Ikea's Tolsby frames are great for making signs to set up around the classroom.

6. Place cups in a wine rack and use them to store pens and pencils.

7. Repurpose old tin cans as a supply caddy.

8. Or use them to keep track of pencils that need to be sharpened.

9. Make your own easel board using PVC piping.

10. Use wooden paint stirrers to break a shelf of books up into several sections.

11. Transform ugly cardboard boxes into attractive storage containers with duct tape.

12. Make a sign to keep track of papers without a name.

13. Buy plastic bracelets at a dollar store and use them when you need students to break up into groups.

14. Give a filing cabinet that's seen better days a makeover using chalkboard paint.

15. Use crates to make a supply station for each group of desks.

16. Use carabiners to hang up backpacks.

17. Glue magazine holders together to make a homework organizer.

18. Use Command hooks to hang up baskets on the walls of your room.

19. Use contact paper to give yourself a snazzier desk.

20. Or to save your shelves from getting all banged up.

21. Or to add polkadots to your tables — you can write on them with dry-erase markers!

22. Set up an art cart on wheels.

23. Have a spare Ikea Kallax shelf hanging around the house? Turn it into a bench.

24. Make a magnetic art center using metal containers, magnets, and a metal board.

25. Turn book dust jackets into a banner to hang in your classroom library.

26. Cover up a dingy desk chair with cheery fabric.

27. Have a hard time finding the right workbook when you need it? Organize them by subject.

Magazine holders = life savers.

28. Manage your student's library books with a specially designated bin.

29. Make your own binder clip tags.

30. Stick Command hooks to the sides of desks and use them to hang supplies.

31. Or use them to hang number lines and borders.

32. Push two filing cabinets together to make a magnet board.

You could attach the fabric and borders using double stick tape.

33. Eliminate door crowding by adding "line up" stickers to your floor.

34. Use a cookie pan to make a "Where We Are" board.

Each student will have a magnet with their name on it and whenever they need to leave the classroom, they'll move their magnet to the place they're heading off to.

35. Turn a tub into a "book hospital."