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    22 Reasons The Belchers Are Better Than Your Actual Family

    Who wouldn't want to join the Bob's Burgers clan?

    1. They practice teamwork.

    2. They're comfortable with each other's bodily functions.

    3. Actually, they're just straight-up comfortable with each other's bodies in general.

    4. They have the best ideas for Christmas card photos.

    5. They know how to share a bed.

    6. They've got each other's backs.

    7. They'd teach you how to be a burger-making master...

    8. ...and let you try your hand at coming up with a Burger of the Day.

    9. They make sacrifices for each other.

    10. They have a variety of fun holiday traditions.

    11. They're honest.

    12. They work together to solve problems.

    13. They make sure to celebrate important milestones.

    14. They're a little nuts (in a completely wonderful way).

    15. They have topnotch dancing skills.

    Lords of the dance.

    16. They support one another.

    17. They help each other out when it comes to matters of the heart.

    18. They're patient.

    19. They have an unlimited supply of erotic reading material.

    20. They remember meaningful moments in each other's lives.

    21. They make even the most mundane activities hilarious.

    22. And they stick together.