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    34 Things You'll Be The First Of Your Friends To Own

    Be the trendsetter of your friend group — watch as everyone gets their hands on stuffed waffle makers, bug vacuums, and even hyper-specific seltzer water after spending the day with you.

    1. A pack of leather cleaning wipes made with a nontoxic, grease-free formula that'll condition, clean, and protect leather without leaving residue behind. 

    Person holding a cream-colored Michael Kors wristlet gif showing cleaned surface
    closeup of wallet cleaned on one side and not the other

    Promising review: "I love these wipes for my car. They smell so nice and leave my interior looking clean — always!" —Erika

    Get it from Amazon for $9.59 (includes 70 wipes).

    2. A stuffed waffle maker — this applause-worthy appliance is designed with a deep, bowl-like griddle that allows you to cook the batter with fillings (we're talking chocolate, fruit, cheese, meat...the works). Upgrade your morning routine from frozen waffles to a homemade meal that'll look straight off a "best of" brunch menu. 

    Waffle maker with uncooked batter and berries
    plate with strawberry cream puff pastry, dusted with powdered sugar, accompanied by fresh strawberry slices

    Promising review: "I bought this after I saw a video on TikTok, so I had an idea about the yummy waffles I could make. First waffles were stuffed with apple pie filling. Second ones scrambled eggs with bacon and cheese. Just amazing!!! The only way you could make this better is to send a chef!! I definitely recommend watching a video on TikTok or YouTube to inspire you before you start!!" —Adirondackdarling

    Get it from Amazon for $49.99

    3. An inclined walking pad sure to be a game-changer for folks who feel bogged down by sitting all day at their desk. This is the second walking pad I've tried, after hating the first one I purchased. For me, this machine's incline makes all the difference! The remote is simple to use, there is zero unnecessary bulk, and I *swear* I forget that I'm walking when I'm on this...which has got to be some sort of added witchcraft. 

    small walking pad with coffee table book placed on top for scale
    Person in sportswear using a laptop on a standing desk with a treadmill in a room with eclectic decor
    Mallory Mower / BuzzFeed

    The machine tracks your time, steps, calories, and speed. It can go up to 3mph! 

    The images above are of my Egofit (and my sister-in-law using it because I refused to get out of my pajamas for a video). The image on the left is the walking pad with a standard coffee table book on it for scale. I'll never be able to rave enough about this machine! The incline makes the footprint smaller and I think it makes walking in place a lot easier, even if it is adding difficulty to the workout. I use this throughout my entire workday (I'm on it this very second!). Since I starting using this I've felt drastic improvements in my energy, posture, and productivity...but maybe we should ask my boss about that last one.

    Promising review: "This is easy to move around and store. I walk about four miles a day on it while I work at my standing desk. I’ve only had it for two months but it works great so far. I really like that it counts the time, calories, miles, steps, and speed! I'm glad I decided to splurge and buy this — it's worth it." —Jeff K.

    Get it from Amazon for $399.

    4. A pack of rainbow fire packets so stunning you may actually convince your teenagers to look at something other than their phones when you accidentally go camping at a site with cell service.

    Rainbow colored campfire
    A different fire with the same colors

    Promising review: "These things are so awesome! HUGE hit with the kids. I can't wait to take some camping — the colors are gorgeous! We've been using them for about a month now. Teals, greens, and blues are visible toward the top parts of the flames, and in the innermost parts of the fire, you can see ultraviolet and deep pinks. Ordering two more right now and will be using these all summer!" —VWatson

    Get a 12-pack from Amazon for $11.25.

    5. An inflatable infant chair with a high-back design to support your kiddo's spine and keep them upright from 3–36m, even before they're able to sit on their own. This packs flat and it's waterproof, which makes it a *dream* travel product for days at the park, the beach, and eating on-the-go. 

    Baby in a support seat wearing a knitted outfit, with a beaming smile
    Mallory Mower / BuzzFeed

    I've had this since my daughter (a preemie) was 4 months old. It's easily the infant product I recommend most. Although no baby product is intended for long or unsupervised sessions, this is a genuinely helpful set of hands. It's ideal when you need your baby in one place while you do the laundry, dishes, go to the bathroom, etc. I like it during eating time as it's far easier to clean than a highchair (and she could sit in this earlier). I love having it while reading and talking to her, so she can see my face. She's now sitting up on her own, but this chair is still as useful as it was on day one! 

    P.S. (Just for fun.) I wrap fabric bibs around the front of the seat and my daughter stays entertained for ages trying to pull them off. This game came to me out of desperation and is the sole reason I can use the bathroom without *also* holding a baby when we're home alone.

    Get it from Amazon for $22.99 (available in two styles).

    6. glass table lamp so you can spruce up a dark corner in your home with a lovely little light. 

    Small orange lamp on a white ridged side table, contemporary design, for interior decor
    iridescent glass lamp on modern shelf
    Urban Outfitters, Urban Outfitters

    This requires a 60W bulb (not included).

    Promising review: "I love the size and the pattern on this lamp is beautiful. I’m so glad I found this. I might go ahead and buy one for my sister. It's a really cute lamp." —suussann

    Get it on sale from Urban Outfitters for $79 (originally $99; available in five colors).

    7. BugZooka bug vacuum you'll be glad you bought when your critter situation truly sucks. Just hold it up to the bug, press the button, and watch as the device gently pulls beetles, spiders, roaches, and more into the tube.

    reviewer holding the tool in their backyard
    closeup of wasp caught in trap

    Promising review: "If you're seriously grossed out and terrified by bugs, here at last is the secret weapon you NEED. You cock it, hold the business end near the bug, and push the red button. Voila, the bug is sucked into a plastic chamber in a microsecond, out of your life for all practical purposes. The bug isn't even injured, just confined, so if you're feeling tenderhearted, you can take it outdoors and release it. The bug cannot escape, even if you use the BugZooka again immediately. The second bug and subsequent bugs just join the first one, safe and secure. The BugZooka is about two feet long, so you don't even have to get close to your insect victim." —Calli

    Get it from Amazon for $36.

    8. A set of french fry clips to keep opened snacks fresh. This includes a magnetic holder to avoid stashing chip clips in a cluttered junk drawer. Funny, functional, AND organized?! These things are delicious. 

    Promising review: "These are very cute and I love the magnet holder to stick on my fridge so they are easily accessible. Not sure about the durability, haven't used very long." —Save the Bees

    Get a set of 12 clips from Amazon for $14.90

    9. An LED fog-less mirror for couples who are one "get your beard hair out of the sink!" fight away from someone sleeping on the couch for good. Reviewers love using this in the shower as it prevents that very mess from ending up in the sink. Genius. 

    Promising review: "This deluxe shaving mirror saves me about 15 minutes in the morning. If you're anything like me, 15 minutes in the morning is like an hour in daytime hours. I really like not having to keep up with and apply the anti-fog sprays to the mirror, which only temporarily work (so I hear). Filling the back with water that goes in the back of the mirror only takes about 10 seconds and discarding the water after shaving takes about five seconds. Shaving in the shower with all the steam makes your shaving experience much closer and comfortable, I find." —Nicholas

    Get it from Amazon for $39.95

    10. A refillable roll-on sponge sunscreen applicator sure to make putting on sunscreen (both on your kids *and* on yourself) less of a chore. This goes on fast and blends in easily — no mess required! Families and other folks who look like *dweebs* slathering on sunscreen are sure to look at your quick application with envy. 

    image of reviewer holding up the sponge appllicator
    gif of reviewer applying product to leg

    Promising review: "My children are fair-skinned and extremely easy to burn. Wearing sunscreen is not optional, but they still fight me every time. Using this product was so fast and easy they didn't even complain!!" —Jeshleigh

    Get it from Amazon for $15.98+ (available in multiple colors and in multipacks).

    11. A Sharper Image clock that'll display the time in written lights. You'll love having this statement-making timekeeper out on your can count on that! 

    A word clock displaying a lit phrase to indicate the current time, suitable for home decor
    Various tattoo design sketches on a wall with a letter board stating times in word form amidst the artwork

    Promising review: "I work as an artist at a tattoo shop and literally every client that sits down compliments this clock and asks where I got it from. It’s unique for sure (pictured above)!" —Savannah Smith

    Get it from Amazon for $17.49+ (available in four colors).

    12. A 24-pack of Hal's New York Vanilla Cream Seltzer Water — if you love cream soda, this *water* itches that sugary scratch, especially when you want something hydrating. Throw this in your refrigerator and your place is about to become the best soda shop (sans soda) in town. 

    Vanilla cream soda next to a bottle of HAL's New York Seltzer Water, with a scoop of ice cream and an ice cream scoop

    When I tell you this is the first thing I stock up on when my paycheck comes in...believe it. I buy these in bulk, fill up the fridge, and then take my sweet time trying to make them last until the end of the month. My husband calls it my "treat water." It's beloved, and gets the shelf of honor in our fridge. 

    Promising review: "After having these in NYC for a while, I had to start ordering them after I moved. They're great for cutting back on sodas or other sugary drinks. They are highly carbonated so be careful to relieve pressure slowly when opening the bottles." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99 (available in eight flavors).

    13. A multi-use mid-weight Turkish towel from Oddbird's Handwoven Collection (where each piece is woven on 100-year-old shuttle looms) — this is a splurge-worthy product you'll genuinely use every day. The material and shape are intended for multiple uses: drying off after a shower, as a tablecloth, a scarf, a park and beach blanket, and even as a wrap over an outfit. These'll look like pieces of textile art hanging in your home *and* on your body. 

    Three images: Vintage kitchen table, stack of striped towels, model towel and robe

    Oddbird is a luxury textile company making one-of-a-kind, ethically sourced home goods and clothing. Their towels are terrific, the outfits are outstanding, and folks everywhere are basically living in their robes (they have the reviews to prove it). This woman- and-family-owned small business is taking huge steps to bring slow fashion and function to everyday consumers. 

    I own these towels! I have been an Oddbird customer for several years after one fateful Instagram ad changed my little life. I own products from their clothing line (which were great before pregnancy and *incredible* while pregnant/nursing), my husband and I have a pair of robes, and I recently started slowly collecting different towels from this collection. I don't understand how they can be so lightweight, soft, and absorbent...but they are. Owning really nice towels is my new favorite part of adult life.

    Get it from Oddbird for $59 (available in seven colors and with customized embroidery). 

    14. A pair of pointed-toe sandals with juuust enough of a heel (we're talkin' less than 2 inches) to elevate your look. Put a little pep in your step with these beautiful shoes, and you're gonna get away with wearing a white tee and midi skirt all season long.

    the tan shoes
    reviewer wearing the mules in orange

    Promising review: "Amazing style and quality! The padding and low heel make these shoes super comfortable to wear. I had them on for an entire day and never felt uncomfortable in them once!" —Style_Uncovered

    Get them from Amazon for $89+ (available in women's sizes 5–11 and in 13 colors).

    15. An acrylic plant hanger that'll give your precious plants the daylight they deserve and let YOU show off your impressive cactus collection at the same time.

    Window with a variety of houseplants on the sill, enhancing home décor for shoppers
    Indoor Window Gardens / Etsy

    This comes pre-assembled and secures with a single fastener.

    Indoor Window Gardens is a small, family-owned business based in Pickens, South Carolina.

    Promising review: "Not only do these shelves look amazing and give me so much more room for my plants but the customer service is amazing! I forgot to order extensions with my order so I contacted the shop and they helped me by making a special listing for the extensions. They placed them in my original order so everything came together. If you’re looking for a window shelf this is it!!" —Jamie Miner

    Get it from Indoor Window Gardens on Etsy for $66.60+ (originally $74+; available in three styles and three mounting options).

    16. headband to help out anyone who is *bugged* by getting product in their hair while washing their face. With this oddly appropriate accessory, your nighttime slugging is sure to be mess-free! 

    reviewer wearing a black headband with eyes that stick out of the top like antennae
    another reviewer wearing the green and cream version

    Promising review: "I love this SO MUCH. I embrace my inner snail every time I wash my face. It's soft but not too fluffy and thick. It has a nice stretch, but it's also not too loose where I feel like it's falling. Buy some for you and your snail friends :)" —sam

    Get it from Amazon for $5.99+ (available in 10 colors).

    17. A marble board wire cheese cutter so you can host a wine and cheese night with some elegant entertainment — let your guests slice their own pieces of cheese and watch them quickly become envious of your un-brie-lievably unique kitchen tool. 

    reviewer using the white marble based cheese slicer to wire cut through soft cheese
    Sliced cheddar cheese resting on top of the board

    Check out a TikTok of the cheese slicer in action. 

    Promising review: "My mother-in-law had purchased one last year and I tried hers at Christmas and fell in love with how easy it was to use. We have a lot of get togethers with friends and cheese is a staple appetizer in our house. So I purchased my own and have been using it weekly since. It cuts easily and it's mostly easy to clean. Sometimes cheese gets stuck in the crack but some scrubbing with a small brush usually does the trick." —Jessica

    Get it from Amazon for $18.76 (available in two styles).

    18. A MacBook shortcut keyboard cover that'll be your own personal Genius Bar assistant if you don't quite know all the MacBook shortcuts off the top of your head. Use this and you'll easily be able to open search bars, minimize and open windows, take screenshots with your know, genius stuff.  

    Promising review: "This keyboard cover is amazing! The colors are bright and the design is cute. The quick key cheat sheet (as I like to call it) is a lifesaver! All of my coworkers ask me where'd I get it and always are impressed by the cheat sheet's detail. I chose this product only because the color scheme would look good with the pack of stickers I selected to sticker bomb my laptop, but it turned out to be a much more valuable asset to a new Apple user like myself!" —Bee

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99

    19. A set of rainbow wineglasses to add a little color to your wine collection, even if you're exclusively a Pinot Grigio person. 

    six stemmed wine glasses in translucent pale pastel colors
    A reviewer unboxing the glasses and showing them stacked on a table

    Check out a TikTok of the rainbow wineglasses in action. 

    Promising review: "Love these! Wasn’t ready to splurge on Estelle-stemmed glasses, so I got these instead. I’ve run them through the dishwasher once so far, and they held up fine. Glass is thin near the top, which I love in a wineglass. I would recommend!" —Tricia

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $49.99.

    20. Or a set of carp stacking glasses for hosts who love showing off their funny (and, at times, fishy) practical purchases. 

    Stack of blue glasses that look like a koi fish
    The glasses unstacked

    Promising review: "I get so many compliments on this set. I keep it stacked next to my water dispenser, and my guests love it. It's very unique and goes nicely with our beach decor. Durable as well. Perfect housewarming, birthday, or Christmas gift." —Amazon Customer

    Get four glasses from Amazon for $38.99.

    21. A Bruvi coffee maker and starter set, so you can start your morning with the energy your toddler simply wakes up with. Coffee, you're too good to us. We don't deserve you.

    Coffee maker with filters, flavor cups, and packaging

    This bundle includes a BV-01 coffee brewer, a variety pack of 20 B-Pods®, a premium water filter, and a reusable Japanese knot bag. 

    I switched over to a Bruvi coffee maker after learning about how much mold can end up inside traditional brewers. This machine has a no-contact design, meaning there's never water and beans mixing together to make a mess. I also *love* that it has a "low-acid" setting – this was particularly life-saving for me while pregnant. If you want a machine that's intuitive, sleek, and makes a luxurious cup of can't do better than Bruvi! 

    Promising review: "I was a little skeptical about buying Bruvi, but now I have two. I bought a second one for the beach house. No other coffee compares once you've tried it. Simply the best!" —Krystal D.

    Get it from Bruvi for $348 (originally $398).

    22. A lightweight quilted laptop sleeve made with a waterproof nylon exterior and lined with fleece to keep your laptop scratch-free. 

    a beige quilted laptop case with a laptop poking out of it
    reviewer putting a laptop in the case and holding it on their way out

    Promising review: "Going on a big trip soon and I bought this for travel. I am super obsessed with the quality and how light/soft it is. It's the perfect size for my laptop and acts as a cushion for other things in my backpack. It can be slightly tricky to open, I just slide one finger in and then expand my hand to open it but it has a magnetic-like closure. Love the color too, it's simple." —mandella cesena

    Get it from Amazon for $30.99+ (available in two sizes and eight colors). 

    23. A surprisingly aesthetic silicone foot scrubber — give your bathroom something to brag about with this super useful in-shower foot brush. It's available in bold colors, and it'll help you give those smelly toes the scrub they need without the risk of bending over and slipping in the shower. 

    Person using a foot scrubber mat in the shower for sole cleaning and massage
    Foot scrubber mat with bristles and massaging ridges for personal care

    Promising review: "I needed this foot scrubber because I have balance issues, making it difficult to properly clean my feet and toes. The first time I used this, it tickled my feet. Now, I can use it every day without being tickled…it just takes time to get used to the sensation. 

    The important part is how well this works. My feet and toes are clean. The design ensures that the sides of my feet are scrubbed and smooth after each use. I really like that this has suction cups and substantial weight so it doesn’t move all over the place when I’m using it. This is exactly what I needed." —Biscuit Lady

    Get it from Amazon for $32.88+ (available in four colors).

    24. An Air Fort you can store flat (it's about the size of a sweatshirt when folded) and then inflate when your kids want to play! 

    child in knight's costume in front of castle themed blow up fort
    child flipping over an inflatable house fort from the inside

    Promising review: "This is the best gift ever. High impact, easy to set up, so exciting for kids, but folds up SO SMALL. It’s maybe the size of a folded sweatshirt when it’s packed up? Honestly it's a parent's dream to have a fun activity that doesn’t require a ton of storage. I will keep this on my list of gift ideas for the future for other kids in my life!" —Lindsay W.

    Get it from Amazon for $49.95+ (available in 17 styles).

    25. A pack of  "Food Cubby" dividers designed for picky eaters of all ages. These suction to your plate, preventing foods and sauces from intermingling while you eat. 

    Green curved dividers suctioned to a dinner plate to separate potatoes, meat, and veggies

    Check out a TikTok of the food cubby in action. 

    Food Cubby is a small business specializing in family-friendly kitchen accessories. 

    Promising review: "I love these! Even as an adult, I hate my food touching. Thought they might keep things apart but not juices or things, but they really stick to the plate, and the meat juice doesn't run into the salad. It saves me from having different plates for each food. I wish I had these a long time ago." —Superbeckee 

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $14.99 (available in three colors).

    26. A set of legging organizing hangers that'll be beloved by energetic souls who can't keep their collection of leggings from spilling out of their underwear drawer — it's time to give your workout wear the respect it deserves! 

    A curved hanger with ten clips hanging from it, each of which has a pair of leggings hanging from it
    Two hangers full of leggings back to back

    Each hanger holds 10 pairs of leggings. Check out a TikTok of the legging organizer hanger in action.

    Promising review: "Yes...I have too many clothes. I LOVE my leggings. These saved me soooo much room! Now I have much more space, AND I can see them all easier." —Larry Seymour

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99 (available in two colors and three pack-sizes).

    27. A "Lifty Loo" toilet seat handle for folks who want a less germ-ridden experience when using the bathroom. Touching a toilet seat is worth avoiding at all costs. 

    reviewer lifting a toilet seat using the small plastic tab installed on the side of it
    Product image showing the included adhesive back for installation

    Lifty Loo is a small business that specializes in toilet lifting tabs that are made with recycled ocean plastic.

    Promising review: "Works perfect for what I need it for. I just figured out where it would work best on my toilet, then I adhered it. It doesn't get in the way and my younger boys are able to pick the seat up without touching the seat." —SK

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $11.97 (available in two colors).

    28. A set of three reusable dispenser bottles that'll be a hit with folks who get over-stimulated by mismatched packaging. Products are designed to be loud and eye-catching while you shop, but that's the last thing you want when trying to create a serene space in your home. 

    Reviewer's shampoo, conditioner, and body wash bottles are shown on the wall of a shower
    Reviewer's shampoo, conditioner, and body wash bottles are shown on the wall of a shower

    Maisonovo is a small business that sells home goods.

    Promising review: "I love these bottles. They make everything uniform and high-end looking for a fraction of the price. They hold up amazing. I bought another set for my second bathroom." —Cindy

    Get it from Amazon for $24.97+ (available in seven colors).

    29. A portable ping-pong set to turn your dining room table into *the* place to hang out (even when there isn't a crumb of food around). 

    gif of family of three setting up the table and playing in dining room

    Set includes a retractable net, two paddles, three balls, and case. 

    Promising review: "I got this for my son for Christmas. We don’t have a lot of space for a full ping pong table but I have a long dinning table that is perfect. This is easy to assemble and it changes up family game night. Great fun!!" —Heather Gould

    Get it from Amazon for $33.99+ (available in three set styles).

    30. A grater with a built-in container so you can grate cheese without a mess of shavings ending up all over the place before it gets on your plate! 

    It also comes with three grating surfaces, a peeler, and a garlic crusher.

    Promising review: "What an incredible product...truly! The concept is simple but this item puts it all together seamlessly — with bonus implements! Sturdy, compact, easy to use, clean, and store. What more could any cook want? The cutting area is safely designed with different shredding sizes possible. Bonus items are well constructed with blades and handles of noteworthy quality. Impressive package deal. Well priced. Very pleased!" —Krow

    Get it from Amazon for $13.46 (also available bundled with a garlic mincer).

    31. A Dyson Ball toy vacuum that'll both sound (and work!) like a pint-sized version of your own favorite vacuum. That's right — this thing even has suction! Thanks to this, your little mimic will actually help out around the house while playing pretend. Did we all just master parenting?? 

    child playing with realistic looking mini dyson ball toy

    There's a storage compartment you can remove that'll hold all the debris your kiddo picks up. When they find out they are ALLOWED to tear paper into tiny pieces and then make that paper disaster? That'll entertain them for ages!  

    Promising review: "Our son is absolutely obsessed with our Dyson (the real one), which is why we purchased this toy Dyson vacuum for his birthday. He's 2-years-old, and he is really enjoying having his on 'working' vacuum cleaner!!! He seriously plays with it for hours during the day. Turning it on and off and pushing it through the house just like we use our real vacuum. I would buy this again! It was his favorite gift!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $34.

    32. Motorized custom shades with an included remote (and Alexa compatibility) so you can open and close your drapes without getting out of bed and thus, showing the neighborhood your *ahem* minimalist taste in sleepwear. 

    Don't forget to clip the 10% off coupon before checking out!

    Promising review: "While a bit spendy, these blinds are great! The customer service is impeccable, and they are very responsive and were able to work with my poor measuring skills to get me sorted with a new set that only required a motor swap! After doing it twice because I put the reset button the wrong way, I'm back installed, and they work great!!!! Thank you!!" —Johnny X.

    Get them from Amazon for $109.99+ (available in 12 colors and three different motor styles; all orders are custom sized).

    33. A pair of fondue mugs for nights when you'd love nothing more than dunking some strawberries in chocolate...and not having to do a slew of dishes afterward. These look like such a fun indoor date night idea!

    Promising review: "This really was a GREAT product! It avoids all the hassles of a common fondue pot (the need to sit around, hard to reach, messy) and the personal portions definitely make it a more fun experience! It's designed perfectly, to accommodate a tea light candle, keep it lit, AND keep the cheese hot and bubbling for the entire time!" —MT Inc.

    Get them from Amazon for $17.99 (available in two colors).

    34. And finally, a shaved sheep plushie for parents who aren't ~sheepish~ about giving their kids toys that really set them apart from the other second graders. 

    Person holding a plush sheep with a zipper, possibly a coin purse or small bag
    Hand holding a plush sheep with a backpack feature, ideal for a unique and cuddly storage option

    Promising review: "I love him. He is so cute and so well-made. He is the perfect size and shape. I named him Banana Peel Son since his wool comes off like a banana peel. Adorable. Would recommend to everyone." —Aerebys Stare

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    Reviews in this post have been edited for length and clarity.