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    27 Things That'll Help You Keep Being Cute While You Have A Cold

    Because colds are ~snot~ funny, but at least now they can be cute.

    We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. Oh, and FYI — prices are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication.

    1. A tissue box so darling you're sure to have a whale of a good time even while your body drains itself of vital fluids.

    2. A cozy blanket for wrapping yourself in when your chills have no chill.

    3. A baby unicorn humidifier that's gonna make you feel even more magical than that extra dose of NyQuil does.

    4. An eye mask which'll make the room as dark as your thoughts when your migraine won't go away (but your lashes will look luscious).

    5. A Nessie tea steeper sure to make you smile even though your throat feels monstrous.

    6. A darling picture book about a bad case of stripes, so you can feel way better about your own symptoms.

    7. A cupcake bath bomb for treating yourself while you bathe the blech away.

    8. A mini hand sanitizer that'll rid you of the germs that are not so sweet.

    9. A pair of pom pom, sheep, and bootie slippers to keep your frozen toes from falling off.

    10. A box of 24 sugar doilies you can throw into your Theraflu.

    11. A pair of shortie floral, long leopard, or fleece macaroon pajamas may make you feel over the moon when you're under the weather.

    12. A sheet mask that'll moisturize your flaky skin with zero effort (exactly the amount of effort you're willing to put into your skincare routine when you're sick).

    13. A lovely vintage-style juicer for treating yourself to some sweet sweet vitamin C.

    14. A package of yellow brick road–themed ginger candies are gonna ease your sore throat and make your Instagram posts look like your life with a cold is as lovely as The Wizard of Oz.

    15. A pack of three fruity lip balms that'll taste almost as good as the strawberry milkshake you would have gotten had you not gotten sick instead.

    16. A smiling microwave safe bowl so you can happily reheat a big batch of chicken noodle soup all week long.

    17. A pillow pal to keep you company when you wake up with a cold and feel like you slept on a rock all night.

    18. A red cross medicine box you can keep all your medicinal (and additional) fixin's in.

    19. A mug of charming children playing games... that'll accurately depict how you're feeling at this point in your cold.

    20. A chic shower cap, so you're able to shower as many times as your runny nose needs, without walking around with wet hair all day and just making things worse.

    21. A lovely bottle of lemon hand soap, because you're gonna be covered in germs if you don't cover yourself in some citrus.

    22. A funny face mask may make going outdoors slightly less dreadful (at the very least, much more adorable) when you're coughing up a lung.

    23. A gorgeous stainless-steel water bottle for keeping you hydrated and feeling swell.

    24. A darling elephant Neti Pot who nose how to make you breathe better.

    25. A mint candle or unicorn candle that'll keep your room from smelling like the undead person you've been for the last 24 hours.

    26. A set of two food trays and bowls you can use when you and your boo are sick at the same time and need some cafeteria lunch cuteness, since you're definitely skipping date night.

    27. And a classic rubber hot water bottle dressed in the same turtleneck you may wear the rest of this winter so you won't get this sick ever again.

    That moment when you can finally breathe through your nose again... and catch a whiff of your unwashed post-cold self.

    Looking for the perfect gift for any occasion? Check out all of BuzzFeed’s gift guides here!