We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    29 Products Millennials Would Probably Tell Gen Z To Get For Their First Place

    Whether you're buying your first home or stepping into your very first rental, we Millennials are happy to show you what we've learned the hard way.

    1. A rice cooker can take the guesswork out of making the perfect bowl of rice. It might be the most used appliance in your kitchen, because you can basically feed yourself for every single meal with this thing. 

    product shot of the cooker, lid, spoon, measuring tool, and uncooked rice in a jar
    reviewer's rice cooker cooking with the lid on

    Promising review: "I love this product. I've made so many different rices in it. The only thing I suggest is when making rice that might end up sitting in the pot for a while, put some olive oil on the bottom as the rice tends to stick if it's sitting on the 'warm' setting for too long, or add some extra water. The rice cooker is wonderful though. It's a real time-saver." —Michelle

    Get it from Amazon for $19.59+ (available in three sizes).

    2. A power drill scrubber brush set for power cleaning any questionable stains the last renters left behind. These brushes clean tile, glass, and even upholstery. 

    Reviewer using the brush to clean grime out of a tub
    one of the brushes attached to a drill next to a shower pane with half still fogged up and the other super clear

    Promising review: "So I kept seeing this item on TikTok and thought, 'heck, why not?' I love this item for deep cleaning, whether it's car mats, shoes, or the shower." —A. Givens

    Get it from Amazon for $18.95 (available in six styles).

    3. programmable timer you can simply set and forget. This can turn your sprinklers on even when you're gone, making watering schedules a cinch. Use this and help your yard get the drink it needs!

    closeup of timer on hose

    A handful of reviewers recommending using this with a water hammer arrester.

    Promising review: "I've used this for two weeks and so far everything works as advertised. Great timing feature and makes life easier for those of us without in-ground irrigation. I have already ordered another one." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $37.92.

    4. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner to clean buildup out of your rental's sink before your landlord decides to dispose of your deposit.

    blue foaming cleanser pushing its way out of the sink drain

    Promising review: "Saw on TikTok (don’t judge) and automatically added to cart. So easy to use, takes probably a minute to fully bubble up and clean, and you’re left with a clean sink! I use with other drain cleaning products, but would 100% recommend for weekly maintenance." —Jessica Hamilton

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $3.78.

    5. An odor-neutralizing candle that'll rid your place of the smells your fur child leaves behind, rather than just covering them up with some frilly florals.

    reviewer's dog posing with its paw on the candle
    my cat sniffing the candle
    www.amazon.com, Mallory Mower / BuzzFeed

    I'm in a small apartment with multiple litter boxes and two particularly well-fed cats. These candles were recommended to me by a coworker when I brought up the stress of keeping my place smelling fresh. I get each new scent every season, because they are the only thing I need to keep my home from smelling like pets. I firmly believe they are the best odor control around.

    Promising review: "This successfully eliminates pet and other odors. It's in a beautiful container. It's easy to maintain. I will always have one in my home. This product is the miracle pet owners have been waiting for." —Daniel

    Get it from Amazon for $22.99 (available in multiple scents).

    6. A window fly trap to get rid of pesky house flies in an efficient and sanitary way.

    Several flies stuck on strip hidden behind curtain in reviewer photo
    Dozens of flies on one clear sticky strip placed on reviewer's window

    Promising review: "Gross yet effective. We live in the country with animals so we have lots of flies. I did not want to hang a fly trap but caved when I saw this. I feel it’s not as noticeable as others and is easy to hide and works very well. Easy to hang and does not leave a sticky residue when removed." —Tina

    Get a pack of 12 pieces from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in two styles and multipacks).

    7. A Tubshroom that'll keep your drain clog-free furever.

    reviewer's tub shroom plugged in with hair stuck inside
    same reviewer showing fur wrapped around plug with dog in background

    Promising review: "Can't say enough good things about this product. I have a family of four and would frequently have to snake our shower drain, it appears I won't be having that problem ever again. I even give my dog baths and this collects the hair. It does not seem to slow down the flow of water down the drain significantly. I'm very impressed having been using around a month. You don't know how much hair you wash down your drain until you use this!" —Aaron Morlock

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99+ (available in six colors).

    8. And The ToiletShroom, a flexible unclogging tool that's gonna move deep into your pipes, getting those pesky clogs *and* squeegeeing things clean at the same time.

    A diagram of how the rubber, cone- and brush-shaped product can reach deep down threw the bowl basin
    A close-up of the product and the sleek black standing caddy that comes with it

    PS, this includes a caddy!

    Promising review: "Honestly I didn't think this was going to work, BUT I am so glad I was wrong! I love how easy it is to use and most of all, how QUICKLY it unclogs my toilet!!! I just shove it down the toilet hole, use the motion of pushing it in and out a couple of times, take it out completely, and the toilet drains with ease! I'm not using all my strength to unclog toilets anymore, and no worries about nasty toilet water splashing everywhere, and it cleans super easily...BEST THING I EVER BOUGHT ON THE INTERNET!!!" —Laura

    Get it from Amazon for $14.97.

    9. A splurge-worthy, versatile patio set with two chairs, a love seat, and a table — snag a set like this and your yard will look complete *and* be ready for everything from breakfast to board games in the backyard. 

    the outdoor seating on a patio by the beach
    Raymour & Flanigan

    Promising review: "This is perfect for our sun room. The color of the wood and the comfy cushions make for a great look. We have received compliments from our neighbors and we couldn't be more pleased with this purchase." —Mindy G.

    Get it from Raymour & Flanigan for $664.95+(available in six colors).

    10. An extendable microfiber duster set, because your high ceilings makes your new apartment a great place to live, but a rather difficult place for your short self to dust.

    person cleaning the top of their ceiling fan with the product

    This includes an adjustable handle that extends from 24 to 49 inches, a regular short handle, a fluffy duster, and a bendable chenille and microfiber duster.

    Promising review: "Perfect for my needs. Love the telescoping design and that it has no protruding joints that would prevent it from fitting underneath furniture with low clearance. Reaches under, behind and around all the tight spaces I can't get to without moving heavy furniture around. The duster is also very lightweight and can handle delicate situations." —Sjay

    Get it from Amazon for $18.67.

    11. A jar of The Pink Stuff (the internet's favorite cleaning product) that'll clean everything from pots and pans to blotches in your bathtub. Move over firefighters, I want a calendar of THIS sexy stuff and its shiny results. 

    Reviewer using it to clear up hard water stains in tub
    reviewer image of pink jar of cleaning paste

    Promising review: "I used this product for my stove because it's one thing I dislike cleaning. I have used multiple degreaser sprays and they all are so toxic and don't work for me. The Magic Eraser was okay but I used several at a time and I had to scrub so hard. But this product oh my goodness, legit a miracle. It doesn't have any type of smell. I put the paste on a cloth, clean the area then wipe it off with a damp cloth and voilà, magic!" —May

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    12. A microwave cleaner — it's gonna save your microwave from your messiest leftovers. Bring it on, spaghetti.

    Messy microwave with cleaner inside
    Microwave wiped clean after use

    Promising review: "This is something I didn't believe until I tried it. All it took was a quick swipe with a paper towel and GONE. It loosened everything, and it was sooo white once cleaned!! I would buy these as gifts." —Max's Mum

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99 (available in four colors).

    13. A quilted chenille floor pillow that'll help if you're in an apartment so small, "furniture" is a word that needs a little wiggle room...because your place has none at all.

    reviewer's living room with several cushions on the lower wooden shelf
    reviewer's covered deck with several pillows and the cushion on top of a wooden stool

    Promising review: "This comes just as pictured and described. It is comfortable and looks luxurious. It's great for floor seating." —AKhan

    Get it from Amazon for $30.80+ (available in eight colors).

    14. A trio of three corrosion-resistant knives from Material Kitchen that are RAZOR SHARP. One look at these knives and your cucumbers are gonna be quaking in their boots. Salad, anyone?

    the trio of knives in a wooden block
    Material Kitchen

    This includes The Almost 4” Knife, The Serrated 6” Knife, and The 8” Knife.

    Material Kitchen is an Asian-owned small kitchenware business making professional-grade products that'll make cooking at home so much easier!

    Promising review: "This is our first set of 'adult' kitchen knives. We wanted to ditch the large block of knives and go with a cleaner look. The knives are so beautiful and the block is gorgeous. It's an investment that is well worth every penny." —Stephanie M.

    Get it from Material Kitchen for $170 (available in four colors, with or without the stand). 

    15. A fast-acting carpet spot-removing spray you'll be grateful you have on hand when your red wine falls out of it.

    Reviewer image of a stain before using the spray
    Reviewer image of the clean carpet after using the spray

    Promising review: "This stuff is AMAZING! I was a little skeptical because I have some carpet stains I’ve let sit for a while because I didn’t have any cleaner at the time of the accident. The accidents have included coffee spills and poorly cleaned cat barf stains. I ordered this because I didn’t want to spend the money on a carpet cleaning service plus you have to be out of your house too long. This stuff was INCREDIBLE. You just spray a concentrated amount and then scrub the stain away. It worked in every single stain I had and was super quick and easy. 100% recommend if you need a good spot cleaner!" —Kimberly

    Get it from Amazon for $6.65.

    16. A microfiber dusting glove, because microfiber is the very best material to use when picking up pesky dust particles, and you're gonna see why when you use this! Whoever thought to turn a cleaning cloth into a glove is a true genius.

    Person wearing glove and cleaning blinds between their fingers
    Reviewer with glove covered in dust after cleaning

    Promising review: "Do you hate having to dust around things? I know I do. This glove is ideal — you can just wipe away dust while easily maneuvering around odds and ends in your way. Because it’s your own hand inside the glove it’s also easy to maneuver over oddly shaped things like silk plants or blinds. I absolutely recommend this!" —Katherine Wise

    Get it from Amazon for $15.89.

    17. A can dispenser sure to make organizing your cans of food a cinch. If you spent all your money on the downpayment and don't have the cash for dinner...treat your soup collection like it's something special.

    This holds up to 36 cans!

    Promising review: "We have a storage cabinet in our garage that I like to keep stocked with nonperishable food since we never know when we'll end up on a two-week quarantine these days. I was having a hard time keeping up with what we had and it was just a jumbled mess. My rack came today and it's so much more organized. It's super sturdy and it only took a couple of minutes to put together. I filled it up and I was able fit 44 cans since some are tiny... 5 stars!" —Kimberly C.

    Get it from Amazon for $24.97+ (available in four colors).

    18. A six-piece storage set for keeping your leftovers and meal-prepped masterpieces fresh, organizing your fridge, and preventing frozen meals from getting freezer burn. 

    several clear containers with the lids off and prepped food inside

    Promising review: "This is my third set because I ADORE them! Tight fit, stack perfectly in my fridge, freeze well, and microwave well with vented sides when latches are up! They have been dropped, tipped over and quite frankly brutally beaten up by my crew and they haven't cracked or broken to date! Even better, the lids store well! Honestly the best containers I've owned! *Gazes into cabinet and realizes adulting is weird when you are this excited to review plastic containers.*" —K McB

    Get the six-piece set from Amazon for $28.99 (also available in larger quantities).

    19. A standing weeder with three steel claws that grip weeds and roots so you can pull them out while standing. There's no need to bend down all day while pulling out weeds in your new yard!

    This is made with a bamboo handle and powder-coated steel. The simple lever system is what makes pulling weeds with this so easy! 

    Promising review: "Oh my god, I friggin' love this tool. I bought this on a whim given we bought our first house and know nothing about caring for a yard. Boy has it come in handy. Our new house had a ton of weeds in the front yard and this tool helped me get most of them out in no time. In fact, the process of yanking out the weeds was strangely satisfying! I don't think anyone can say that weeding is fun but this tool made it as close to fun as you can get, especially when you see a long root along with the weed you pulled." —JG

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99.

    20. A 10-piece mixing bowl set to use as mixing bowls, serving dishes, leftover containers, and the family popcorn bowls. I own these and have told my whole family to get them. You Gen Zers were next on my list! Get them.

    Five bowls of different sizes, each with a lid
    My own mixing bowl with prepped ingredients in front of a cookbook
    Amazon, Mallory Mower / BuzzFeed

    I bought these bowls after a coworker found them (oh yeah, I'm totally a sucker for BuzzFeed shopping posts) and I can't help but rave about them! They all nest easily, which makes storing simple in my tiny Brooklyn kitchen, and the lids are a major bonus for storing leftovers. They're also practically indestructible – my cat has knocked these off the counter as a set and individually (he's a monster) and they've held up great!

    Get it from Amazon for $38.20 (available in two styles).

    21. A Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning stamp that'll be easy peasy to put on *and* makes cleaning your toilet simpler than it's ever been! Mostly because, with this, you won't be the one cleaning your toilet.

    Gif of a hand stamping the gel in a toilet, the toilet flushing, and arrows showing how the gel is able to clean the bowl
    A hand stamping the circle of gel in the toilet
    Scrubbing Bubbles / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie8Pubca84E, Scrubbing Bubbles

    Promising review: "I was sooo skeptical and was confused about how they’d work but the gel solidifies and with every flush, suds wash through with the water and it really makes a fresh difference. Also the scent is light but really nice and fresh! I recommend these 100%! They’re super interesting but they do the job." —Janet

    Get six stamps from Amazon for $4.99.

    22. An ultra-thin socket cover with an attached six-plug power strip you can use if you'd prefer your furniture actually be directly against the wall, thank you very much. 

    a reviewer photo of  a hand holding the outlet cover with a power strip attached
    a reviewer photo of the slim outlet cover with a piece of furniture up against the wall

    Promising review: "This product is awesome! We bought one in the office to stop a nearby chair from continuously hitting the outlet plugs. It solved the problem right away. So we ordered three more to use anywhere there is bulk on the wall. It saves space, makes arranging furniture and desks easy, it's clean looking. Someone is a genius. Thanks so much!" —Jay

    Get it from Amazon for $23.95+ (available in seven sizes and styles).

    23. A door draft stopper that'll be a great choice if the gap under your door is doing its best to suck out all of your AC into the hot, humid hallway.

    Reviewer image with bottom of front door covered with the stopper
    Different reviewer's door, in graphite gray, with a draft stop that matches it

    This is also great for noise reduction and preventing some critters and creepy crawlies from making their way in.

    Promising review: "I had a problem with birds and snakes getting in under the screened in porch door. This easily solved the problem. It has held up so far." —Cheryl Ford

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in four colors).

    24. A can of fire extinguishing spray with a design to spark your muscle memory, because nothing sounds scarier than not knowing how to use an extinguisher when you notice a fire start to spark!

    reviewer image of the product can
    reviewer's burnt food after fire started in toaster oven

    Promising review: "I bought one for beside the grill, one for beside the stove, one for the laundry room, and one for the car. I think the intuitive, easy to use design is fantastic. We already have the muscle memory for using a spray can. In an emergency, it's so much easier to grab this and use it, and turn a small fire into a non-fire. I don't have time to remember a three step method of fire control when my bacon has gotten out of control on the stove. I'm not a firefighter! I'd really like to have one in every room. Think about it. Isn't it better to immediately contain a small fire than deal with a big one? This could save your life, and your house." —K. Zander

    Get it from Amazon for $13.84.

    25. A handy Souper Cubes freezer tray that'll make it ~souper~ easy to store notoriously hard-to-freeze things like soups and sauces. Being able to defrost individual portions of soup has my all-too-adult heart all aflutter.

    The five-compartment teal container that looks like a large ice cube tray, with a perfectly rectangular block of frozen soup next to it
    A reviewer's trays full of stew, one with the lid on and one with it off

    This is BPA-free and dishwasher safe!

    Souper Cubes is a small, family-owned business that was founded in 2017. They also appeared on Shark Tank

    Promising review: "LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. My freezer is so much more organized now. Gone are the days of having to defrost an entire bag of chicken broth for one cup for a recipe. I now have perfectly portioned 1/2-cup and 1-cup blocks ready to go. They fit easily in freezer bags, take up less space, and make me incredibly happy. There was a lot of attention to detail put into the design and I particularly appreciate the wire inside the rim that holds everything steady — no more worrying about spilling all the liquid on the way to the freezer. Just a fantastic product all around. I purchased this and a cheaper version from another manufacturer at the same time but returned the other product. This one is definitely worth the added cost." —Kate

    Get it from Amazon for $19.95 (available in two colors and a multipack).

    26. A set of stove counter gap covers so you can save that insufferable space from the slips and spills that leave stray crumbs on your floor...forever. 

    Reviewer photo of gap covers installed on sides of stove
    Reviewer closeup photo of gap cover installed on side of stove

    Promising review: "I ordered these silicone gap covers to keep debris from falling in between our kitchen appliances and the counters. The thing that sold me was when I read a review on here that stated that they were able to use it for the gap between the stove and fridge. I have the same setup in my apartment. Countertop on one side of the stove and fridge on the other. The silicone sticks very well to the fridge, stove, and counter. It doesn’t move around very easily, which is a good thing. Just make sure you place it with the wider side of the strip towards the counter as shown in the picture." —Kevin B.

    Get two from Amazon for $9.99 (available in four sizes and six colors/finishes).

    27. A fast-acting lawn repair formula for when your dog's peeing, playing, and digging inevitably wreaks havoc on your yard. This easy-to-use combination of grass seeds, mulch, and soil amendment is specifically designed to repair pet-induced damage and get new grass growing ASAP. 

    Promising review: "I used this in the spring to fill out our lawn more, and it worked great! I was worried because I feel like you always hear grass seed horror stories, but I just raked our lawn good, spread seeds all over, and watered it once (sometimes twice) per day and it filled the lawn in beautifully!" —Mariah

    Get it from Amazon for $16.44+ (available in five sizes).

    28. A collapsible cooling rack so you can have the proper setup when your cookie cravings are greater than your counter space.

    reviewer using four-tier rack to store produce on counter
    several loaves of bread cooling on four tiered stacked rack

    Promising review: "This is easy to set up, sturdy, and saves counter space! I'm so happy with this purchase." —Sun Family

    Get it from Amazon for $32.99 (clip the coupon on the product page to get $2 off this price; available in two colors). 

    29. And finally, a KitchenAid mini stand mixer necessary for anyone who knows they need some major machinery to help snack away the stress of moving day! 

    the mixer in red sitting on a counter
    reviewer's mixer in action, mixing dough

    This 3.5-qt. mini mixer includes a wire whisk, flat beater, and dough hook. It is dishwasher safe and sports a powerful 10-speed slide control. Oh, and it can make five dozen cookies at once.

    Get it from Amazon for $379.95+ (available in 10 colors).

    Talking to your new place like: