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If You're Short, You Absolutely Hate Hearing These 11 Things People Just Love To Say

"How's the weather down there?" 😡

Hello, my fellow shorties! As vertically-challenged people, we have to stick together because we get a lot of sh*t from people who've clearly never had to stand on their tippy toes to reach something. So, without further ado, here are 11 things we short people are all collectively tired of hearing from tall folk. Ready? Let's go.

1. "I feel so big next to you!"

Michael Scott looking super mad over being short

2. "How do you reach the steering wheel?"

A woman trying to see over steering wheel but she's too short

3. "I don't date people shorter than me."

A short woman on a stepping stool hugging a tall man

4. "Wow, I can see right over you."

A giant woman holding a normal sized man

5. "Your head's the perfect height for my arm rest."

Michelle Obama resting her elbow on the head of Olympian Simone Biles

6. "Want me to grab that for you?"

Baby Yoda reaching for something that's far away

7. "You're so cute when you’re angry."

A menacing Kirby brandishing a knife outside your door

8. "How do you even get dressed in the morning?"

#growingupshort when u look cute and try to take a mirror selfie but u can't reach :-)

I have a counter question for you: why do you put your mirrors up so darn high?

9. "Sorry, but we have to make sure you're tall enough to ride this ride."

Steven from Steven Universe being too short to ride a ride

10. "How's the weather down there?"

Georgie from It saying hi and georgie asking how the weather is in the drain

11. And lastly, "Do you shop in the kid section?"

Gavin Thomas as a little kid crossing his arms upset on the couch

So, that's it for this list, but please drop a comment if we forgot something that really grinds your gears as a short person!