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    Why Having Big Dreams Is So Scary

    Some motivation to those that wanted to be an astronaut when they were six years old.

    You know when you’re little and you wanted to be something extravagant when you grew up? Any wannabe astronauts, singers, artists, presidents here? Why was it so normal when we were 6 years old to actually want to be something cool and exciting, but now we want to be insurance salesmen and receptionists? Something seems…off.

    Something internally switches in most of us one day, almost as if we wake up and no longer want to pursue something that drives our hearts wild. Now, this could be for many reasons. Whether that be that starving artists are actually starving (and that is scary!!!!!), or that the chance of becoming President one day is one in like a billion-ish. Regardless, we give up on our 6 year old self’s dreams to have financial security and a sense of monotonous comfort.

    What if I told you you didn’t have to give up on your wild dreams? Now, I am no astronaut, singer, or president, but who is to say that one day I will never be? In fact, I gave up a potential occupation that would have given me a cushy salary when I decided to switch majors in my undergraduate degree. I said so long to the idea of making six figures, in a job in which I would have been bored out of my mind, working in a field that did not interest me in the slightest. I said hello to a new major in a field that has an incredibly high chance of never hiring me but that made my heart skip a beat. This is effing scary, right?

    Sometimes my mind wanders and I find myself thinking about the life I want to live. I want a cute apartment in a cute city with my cute dog, wearing cute clothes that I find in cute thrift stores, and waking up every day with a cute little smile because I get to go to work in a field that I am passionate about. Cute, right? Now, I see you rolling your eyes and I raise you this question: why is it so off-putting to you that some people actually love their job? Is it because you gave up your 6 year old self’s dream of becoming an astronaut and resent yourself for it?

    Here is a little bit of insight for you. It is not too late! Now, you might be thinking, what does this girl know about anything? Valid question. I don’t know what the future holds, or if trying to follow my dreams will lead to me being nowhere near living in a cute city, wearing cute clothes from cute thrift shops, with my cute dog, waking up with a cute smile on my face.

    But at least I will know that I gave it all I’ve got?

    Don’t give up on your 6 year old self. Kids are way smarter than adults. Have a little fun.