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    Just A List Of Horrible And Scrumptious Halloween Candy, Ranked

    I am not above stealing well earned Trick-or-Treating candy from my nephews after Halloween.

    16. Snickers

    Snickers are a wannabe Twix, and the nuts are too big. That's what she said. I have personal beef with Snickers for some reason.

    15. Candy Corn

    I just recently found out that candy corn is something that people eat willingly??? Weird.

    14. Swedish Fish

    Garbage. True garbage.

    13. Almond Joy, Milky Way, Three Musketeers

    Garbage garbage garbage. So much so that they don't get their own slot.

    12. Whopper's

    Too similar to eating chalk. It's a no for me.

    11. Smarties

    Smarties, similar to Whoppers, taste like chalk. My only fond memory of them was watching idiots in grade school crush them up and act like they were ~illegal substances~.

    10. M&Ms

    Peanut M&Ms are decent at best. Plain M&Ms suck. Mini M&Ms that come in a tube are somehow a little better? Either way, I don't reach for them.

    9. Twizzlers

    Twizzlers have one purpose only, and that is to bite the ends off and use them as a straw. Extra points for versatility.

    8. Hershey's

    Cult classic, but I can literally look at a Hershey's bar and end up with melted chocolate all over my hands. Not a good look. Average taste. Much better chocolates out there.

    7. Reese's

    Similar to Hershey's, you can't eat a Reese's without your entire livelihood covered in chocolate. Plus, how offing annoying is it when you peel out the Reese's and half the chocolate on the bottom is still on the wrapper. ALSO, it is pronounced ree-siz. NOT ree-seez. This does not reflect how I feel about Reese's Pieces though, because those are bomb as hell.

    6. Kit Kat

    I'll admit, I will steal a few Kit Kats from my nephews when they run out of my favorites. The wafer is good, the chocolate is sub-par. Kit Kats are a very meh candy.

    5. Skittles & Starburst

    I like a blue sour Skittle every now and then. Same with a yellow Starburst. That's right, I said it. PINK STARBURST GET TOO MUCH CREDIT.

    4. Air Heads

    I like an Air Head, so long as they are of the blue or red variety. However, I am not fond of anything with a ~mystery~ flavor.

    3. Butterfinger

    Oh man. Nothing like having remnants of Butterfingers in your teeth for the next 48 hours.

    2. Twix

    Gooey and delicious. Extra fun because there is two in a package. It take two to tango, baby.

    1. Sour Patch Kids

    Sour Patch Kids are the best candy to exist. I have a 5 pound bag that I keep for when I have a hankering. I will eat them until my tongue feels like it is about to bleed.