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    Yeah I Said It: Let's Not Talk About Double Standards When It Comes To Beyoncé And Kim K

    For many, Beyoncé's photo shoot announcing her pregnancy with twins was a chance to praise Queen Bey for raising the bar AGAIN with another visual masterpiece. For others, it was a chance to point out a hypocrisy. We all know Beyoncé has an affinity for all things extra and over the top when it comes to her music, brand and visual artistry. So it was only natural for the Queen Bey herself to upstage her last pregnancy announcement with Princess Blue by conducting not one, not two, but three cohesive photo shoots to announce her pregnancy with not one, but two new Carters. The first photo released on her Instagram, of her in a green veil surrounded by a floral arrangement that would make any florist drool, has garnered over 9 million likes, making it the most liked picture on the social media platform surpassing Selena Gomez's record holding 6 million likes.