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    Five TV Shows To Try If You’re Feeling Some Strong Netflix Fatigue

    Tired of rewatching the same three shows over and over again? I've got you. (NOTE: this is for the Editorial Fellowship.)

    It happens every year (or even multiple times a year) - you've exhausted your Netflix watchlist, and you swear that if you rewatch Tiger King one more time, you’re probably going to start parading around in a flower crown and using questionable catchphrases. The same four shows pop up on your recommendations page, and you’re stuck for what to watch upon finishing them. It’s frustrating, and oftentimes the boredom can be almost too much.

    If you’re one of the many searching for something new, here’s some picks you may like, based on some popular Netflix hits.

    If you like Umbrella Academy

    ...try Misfits!

    If you like Eurovision: The Story of the Fire Saga…

    ...try Flight of the Conchords!

    If you like Schitt’s Creek

    ...try Mozart in the Jungle!

    If you like Down to Earth with Zac Efron

    ...try Long Way Round!

    If you like You

    ...try Paranoid!