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    10 Things You Can Spot A Political Science Major Doing Before A Presidential Election

    Presidential elections are huge across the United States. But Political Science majors tend to get really into them. I mean, politics are our life, so we're gonna go all out once every four years for the big day!

    1. Registering Students to Vote

    Just because we're really into politics doesn't mean everyone is. Stressing the importance of voting and volunteering to help register other students is pretty common within our major.

    2. Canvassing

    Want to help your favorite politician win an election? Knocking on doors or making phone calls is an easy way to make a difference!

    3. Passionately Posting Their Thoughts on Social Media

    We have to vent somewhere, right?!

    4. Hosting Political Debates on Campus

    Yes, you heard right. Often times, there might be a political debate held somewhere on campus during election year, between Democrats and Republicans. These can even get pretty heated.

    5. Sporting Gear for Their Candidate

    Election year is the best time to show your pride! Whether it be buttons, bumper stickers, t-shirts, or something else, you can be sure to spot Poli Sci majors showing off some sort of gear in favor of their party or candidate.

    6. Hosting Debate Watching Parties

    Why trash talk a candidate by yourself, when you can do it with friends?!

    7. Subtly Influencing Their Friends to Vote With Their Party

    Come to our side... We have cookies!

    8. Arguing About the Election Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere

    Everyone gets passionate about politics during election year. Especially Political Science majors. We try to keep our cool, but don't be shocked if you see two of us screaming at each other in the student center on November 1st. It's a tough couple of months, okay?

    9. Interning for Campaigns

    Campaigns (especially local ones) love to hire interns. Political Science students are always excited to do work in the real world, for a cause that they love. Interns are super busy during election years.

    10. Applying for Study Abroad

    "If ______ gets elected, I might just move to Canada!"

    Totally just a joke. Maybe.