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    10 Things You Can Do With A Political Science Major... Besides Go To Law School

    A Political Science major is one of the most common routes to get into law school. However, there are so many other career opportunities available! Here are a few ideas.

    1. Run for Office

    That's right! All that you've learned about government and politics will put you in a perfect position to start your own campaign.

    2. Work at a Nonprofit

    Nonprofits need advocacy and government support, which political science preps you for. It's a fulfilling and fun field to go into!

    3. Run a Campaign

    Is running for office a little too far in the spotlight for you? Instead, work behind the scenes to help someone you support get elected!

    4. Work in Government Relations

    You can find a public or private company and manage their government relations.

    5. Go into Law Enforcement

    Your knowledge of how government affects crime will put you in a great spot to work in law enforcement.

    6. Become an International Agency Officer

    Why limit your career to just the United States? You can work in foreign policy!

    7. Write for a Magazine

    Working as a political journalist will give you opportunities to report on current events. With politics, there is always something interesting going on.

    8. Influence Policy as a Lobbyist

    Lobbyists aren't always the bad guys portrayed by media. You can find a cause that you support and then use your social skills to persuade policymakers to pass laws in your favor.

    9. Raise money as an Investment Banker

    Political science students can work in finance, too. You can help with government funding as a worker at a bank.

    10. Teach at a University

    Love politics? Inspire others to love it, too!