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Anything is possible, kitchen-wise, with new products from Macy's and Goodful!

Typically, when my husband and I are decorating a new kitchen, it goes a little something like this:

Me: “Where should I put the pans?”

Him: “I think there’s room in that bottom drawer.”

Me: “Got it.”

Then I shove the pans into the bottom drawer, under whatever else also looked like it might fit there.

Needless to say, this has resulted in some not-exactly-pretty (or all that functional) kitchens. But now we're in our thirties, married, and trying hard to be bona fide, full-blown adults. We're also about to move into a new apartment, and for the first time, I feel ready to have a kitchen that I love. Something about a well put-together kitchen has always seemed so intensely grown-up to me — and I'm ready to be that grown-up.

So this time, I'm setting out to have a nice kitchen; one where things aren’t just randomly stuffed into drawers, but rather lovingly stored in specific places. I’d like to have high-quality, pretty things and maybe even have them — gasp — go together. It just seems like it’s time!

Something about a well put-together kitchen has always seemed so intensely grown-up to me — and I'm ready to be that grown-up.

Luckily, I work at BuzzFeed and have the chance to work on promoting a new line of Goodful kitchenware that the company is creating in partnership with Macy’s. So I thought…why not see if they’d let me practice for my new apartment by trying out some different kitchen themes? I checked with my boss, who was on board (bless), and that’s how I ended up here: in the beautiful kitchen we have here at the BuzzFeed office, trying out three different kitchen styles.

Before the big day, I had settled on my three themes: modern, which I'd design to be sleek and minimalist with metallic accents; farmhouse, which I'd aim to make as rustic and homey as physically possible; and traditional, which I hoped would feel warm and classic, like the embodiment of an after school snack. I decided I'd set up each one, and then I'd have time to reflect a little before choosing my favorite. Finally I put on some music, rolled up my sleeves, and got started!

First up was the modern kitchen. I was worried that it might feel cold, but look at this beauty! It was definitely sleek, but the little pops of color from the zester, the flavor-infusion pitcher, and the plants galore provided just the right amount of flair.

Next was the farmhouse kitchen. Now, I have to admit that I was already sort of biased toward this — I just thought it'd be the one I liked best. But my instincts were right, and it looked so pretty! The wooden handle on the kettle, coupled with the cast-iron skillet and the colorful whisks and tongs set, felt like the definition of homey.

Finally, I designed the traditional kitchen. I think we can all agree that this came together like a dream, and I loved the way it looked so classic while still being unique. The clean whites and the beautiful bakeware fit the traditional theme to a T, but the mixing bowls and the ceramic dinnerware added warmth and brightness that brought it all together beautifully. This one was a keeper, too!

Since I loved them all, I decided to choose the winner by imagining myself making my favorite meal, breakfast, in each one. I closed my eyes and conjured the smell of eggs and bacon, the sleepy light of a Saturday morning, and the feeling of a mug of tea in my hands. And then I opened my eyes: I'd found my answer.

In the end, it had to be the farmhouse kitchen. I guess I knew myself well from the start! I used the word "homey" to describe what we were hoping that kitchen would feel like, and the homeyness we achieved is the reason I picked it. In my mind, true adulthood is a feeling of comfort and warmth. It's cast iron, beechwood, and a tall glass of fruit-infused water. It's something delicious sizzling in a pretty pan, the smell wafting into the next room.

In my mind, true adulthood is a feeling of comfort and warmth. It's cast iron, beechwood, and a tall glass of fruit-infused water. 

For me, the farmhouse kitchen we created is exactly what I want for all of my future beautiful, adult-y homes. Which kitchen would you pick?

Create your perfect kitchen with new products from Goodful and Macy's!

Design by Victoria Reyes © BuzzFeed 2018