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12 Simple Makeup Tricks For Every Face Shape

Maximize your amazing features and stop into stop into Macy’s during the Beauty Scene event for all the tools to make it happen and tons of bonus gifts!

Oval faces are marked by tall foreheads, narrow chins, and a face that's longer than it is wide.

1. Maintain an oval face with soft, gently angled brows.

2. Make either the lips or eyes the center of attention — not both.

3. When contouring an oval face, brush along your hairline and under your cheekbones.

Square faces have foreheads and jaws with equal width. Chins are square versus pointy, and hairlines are frequently -- but not always -- angular.

4. For strong jawlines, balance with an angled brow. The angle should be soft, but increase in sharpness for more angular jaws.

5. Emphasize the lips with bright, bold color, and keep your cupid's bow rounded, not angular.

6. Add shadow to your jawline and in curves around your temples, over your brow bone, and up the sides of your forehead.

A circular face is marked by an equal height and width, with the widest part at the cheekbones.

7. Elongate a round face with a high arched brow.

8. Go with a sheer lip color, which has a slimming effect on round faces.

9. When contouring a circular face, contour the sides of your face from forehead to chin.

Heart shapes have equally wide cheeks and foreheads, but narrower jaws and chins.

10. Balance a pointy chin with a thick, low arch and curved brow.

11. A classic red lipstick creates a glamorous focal point on heart-shaped faces.

12. For a heart-shaped face, contour a large "C" from your forehead to your cheekbones and shadow your jaw under your chin.

Calling all makeup junkies! Macy’s biggest beauty event of the season, Beauty Scene, is the best time for getting fabulous free gifts with all of your everyday makeup purchases.