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    Mark Antalosky Freud Dream Quiz

    The following quiz is an attempt to map out the particularity and the frequency of our dreams and our reflections on them to try and understand what deeper meanings they may be trying to reveal to us about our waking life. For the purpose of this quiz, I will be referencing Introductory Lectures on Psycho-analysis by Sigmund Freud. What is first important to know is that Freud suggests there is a very important difference between what we dream, and the wishes that drive us to have a certain dream. Symbols, according to Freud, occur from the need to distort what we are dreaming enough to keep us asleep by confusing us and cohesively create a natural separation between the actual content of the dream and the wish that drives it. The purpose of this quiz then becomes to create an imperfect but hopefully effective understanding of why the dreams we have occur, and what they may have to offer us by reflecting on them. The results will appear in the form of 4 potential archetype like descriptions to create a general placement for you based on the what you dream and the effect it has on you.
