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    Top 10 Foreign Words That English Would Be Lost Without

    Why make your own words when you can steal them instead?

    Chutzpah (Yiddish)

    Gall, nerve, audacity. Pronounced "huts-puh."

    Schadenfreude (German)

    Pleasure taken in another's misfortune.

    Taboo (Tongan)

    That which is forbidden. Captain Cook learned it word from the Tongoneese in 1777.

    Zombie (West African)

    Behind you.

    Kowtow (Cantonese & Mandarin)

    To gravel, to beg, to kiss the ring, to kiss the ass, to brown-nose.

    Silhouette (French)

    Kind of like a shadow but harder to explain.

    Suave (Spanish)

    Drippin' in finesse.

    Tycoon (Japanese)

    A titan of industry (mustache optional but strongly preferred).

    Nirvana (Hindi)

    The proverbial happy place.

    Schtick (Yiddish)

    A comedy gimmick.