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Nashville's Dangerous, Y'all!

Here are 20 of Nashville's wanted fugitives. So, have you guys seen any of these idiots?

bethany carol 12 years ago

What Happens When Shrek Mates With a Bat

"Thus far, all they know about it is that its a fruit bat and it plays a large role in the ecosystem. Much like other fruit bats, it disperses seeds from the fruit in its diet. Have you ever seen anything quite like this guy? We haven't! Look at that nose! It looks like he has two trumpets sticking off his face."

bethany carol 13 years ago

Sloth Sanctuary

Oh. my. god. This insanely cute footage was taken at the only sloth orphanage in the world. I would go to Costa Rica just to see these cuties!

bethany carol 13 years ago

New Study Reports 1 in 3 of Us Has Had a Sex-Related Injury

We're going to be looking at anybody walking down the street with a limp and a hickey with new respect. A new survey reveals around one-third of the population has experienced a sex-related injury -- but nobody's seeking treatment.

bethany carol 14 years ago

Translating Ke$ha

I have to say, I totally agree with GloZell about Mick Jagger.

bethany carol 14 years ago

Stunning Photographs of Animals Inside the Womb

These amazing embryonic animal photographs of dolphins, sharks, dogs, penguins, cats and elephants are from a new National Geographic Documentary called “Extraordinary Animals in the Womb”. The show’s producer, Peter Chinn, used a combination of three-dimensional ultrasound scans, computer graphics and tiny cameras to capture the process from conception to birth. They are the most detailed embryonic animal pictures ever seen.

bethany carol 14 years ago

Badass of the Week

What's worse than having your ass chomped in half by two rows of serrated, dagger-sized shark teeth, you might ask? How about getting a singing molest-o-gram from a half-dozen gigantor rubbery tentacles that bludgeon your brain apart while simultaneously tearing your ship into jetsam, leaving you either dead, retarded, or stranded in the middle of the ocean with no hope of salvation?

bethany carol 14 years ago

The Creatures of Mariana Trench

I love the Dumbo Octopus! But the creeper in the picture looks like it's from a corny Syfy movie.

bethany carol 14 years ago

Internet Gangstas

I like the guy with sneakers hanging out of his pockets. How did he do that?

bethany carol 14 years ago

10 Children's Characters Who Were Definitely On Drugs

Have you ever thought that Goofy was just a little bit too goofy? Wonder where Woody Woodpecker gets all that energy? I can't say that I'm surprised. I suspected Shaggy & Scooby of being potheads all along with their constant case of the munchies.

bethany carol 14 years ago

20 Scary Old School Surgical Tools

The tobacco smoke enema they used to resuscitate drowning victims is ridiculous. But at least it can be credited for a well-known phrase! The warmth of the smoke was thought to promote respiration, but doubts about the credibility of tobacco enemas led to the popular phrase "blow smoke up one's ass."

bethany carol 14 years ago

Tomato Coated in Gold? Mmm!

The Deli Garage in Germany is offering a unique way to dress up your food: edible gold and silver food spray paint. Called Esslack, it makes anything from fresh fruit and vegetables to baked goods like pretzels suddenly look like solid chunks of precious metal.

bethany carol 14 years ago

Family Guy Actress Responds to Sarah Palin

Highlight: "My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes." That's a pretty serious burn!

bethany carol 14 years ago