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    "The Royals" Actress Alexandra Park Proposes A New Normal To The Industry

    "We are the heart and soul of The Royals. I hope that we can find a way to continue this journey that I am so proud to be part of and as a result set an example that I believe will lead to a 'new normal', the result that we, as people in this industry and every industry are so desperately trying to achieve."

    It’s heartbreaking to know how they harbored this secret because they weren’t just protecting themselves. They were protecting other cast members, crew, and the series itself. Though this situation seems dark, light can be found and that light is ‘The New Normal.’ It’s being able to go to work and not worry about that office creep creeping on them. It’s about having a boss who isn’t hitting on them or trying to bed them because they’re too busy respecting them and treating that woman as their equal.

    On November 15th Alexandra Park from The Royals tweeted “I hope that we can find a way to continue the journey that I am so proud to be part of, and as a result set an example that I believe will lead to a “new normal”, the result that we, as people in this industry and every industry are so desperately trying to achieve.”

    This is achievable. This ‘dream’ can become a ‘reality’ and The Royals has the potential to pave the way. E! and Lionsgate can say goodbye to Mark Schwahn, but they don’t need to say goodbye to this series. They can say hello to change and being a changemaker. Hire a new, female showrunner who respects not just the series but the family that comes along with it. The family that you protect and not abuse. The family that you act selflessly for and not selfishly. This can prove to Mark and any other man who followed in his actions that it’s not a one person show. That the show can go on and not only survive but thrive.

    One person didn’t bring this series to life. So many other hard working individuals breathed life into this series. The writers give fans various journeys to go on. They make fans experience countless emotions in every episode. They deliver speeches that take fans breaths away so much so that those speeches can be recited word for word. They give cliffhangers that draw fans to want, no need more because it’s just that good. The directors make sure the actors go the extra mile and give it their all so fans can be in the moment with that character. The music supervisors set the mood with every song that is chosen. The songs played only adding more to the appeal of the scenes. Like when Jasper is escorting Eleanor through the crowd after the King’s Cup and ‘Half Light’ is playing by Banners.

    The Hair/Makeup artists and Costume Designers are the ones responsible for making these characters more alive because how they look is how fans associate them. Seeing that pink cross front dress on Helena and immediately associating her as the Queen because she dresses like a royal dripping with class. They are the reason why fans gawk and appreciate how good their favorites look. The Director of photography and scouts are the reason why fans have beautiful shots of the stunning scenery that is found in London. The production designer is why fans love the palace and the rooms in the palace so much. The crew like everyone else work tirelessly to help in lighting, sounds and all the in-betweens and the editor gives fans the finished product.

    This cast, this wonderful and strong cast bring a character that was once only seen on paper straight to life. They put their heart and soul into every scene and line delivery. They draw fans to fall deeper in love with them and root for them.

    All of these individuals are responsible for The Royals. They breathe life into this series because they are this series . They shouldn't be punished for one man's actions. They should continue to have the ability to tell the story because the show must go on.

    This will only happen if if E! and Lionsgate say goodbye to Mark and hello to the new normal. The normal that brings back the fire in women's eyes, reassures them of their safety and allows them to shine the way they deserve to.