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    10 Ways To Annoy Your Local Rescue Group

    You see a video/picture of a dog on your local shelters Facebook page. You are rushed with emotions and you just can't handle yourself. Please try to handle yourself better than these people below.

    1. Starting a prayer circle.

    2. Post that you are "Sharing".

    3. A picture to depict your sorrow.

    4. Posting an emoji to depict your current emotion.

    5. Posting #1 and #2 with a bit of help from #3 because you are feeling #4.

    6. Posting your thoughts on the situation.

    7. Stating the obvious.

    8. Begging people to help. (Is not helping.)

    9. Telling the thread why you can't help before begging people to help.

    10. Last, but NOT LEAST. Oversharing.