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    The Bestselling Bug-Zapping Devices And Repellents That Reviewers Swear By

    Add these game-changing gadgets to your cart and say goodbye to being a human mosquito buffet.

    Why is it that those of us who have really intense reactions to bug bites seem to attract them the most? It’s just another one of life’s many cruelties. Not a summer goes by where I’m not covered in swollen, painful welts — and you better believe I have a very bad attitude about it. To that end, I usually spend the first half of every summer season trying to find the very best mosquito repellants around. But this year, I’m upgrading to customer-approved bug-zapping devices.

    Instead of depending on a dinky little citronella candle to keep the hordes of bugs away, I’m cutting straight to the chase with devices that zap, trap, and definitively deter gnats, flies and especially mosquitos. Below, I’ve rounded up the best bug-killing devices (and bug repellants that actually work) that have earned cascades of good reviews and, for some, the approval of HuffPost readers. 

    Add these game-changing gadgets to your cart and say goodbye to being a human mosquito buffet:

    1. A USB-rechargeable fly swatter

    2. A high-voltage insect zapper with a range of up to 1,500 square feet

    3. Utilize some Mosquito Dunks throughout your outdoor space

    Repellent tablets that are easy to break and spread around

    4. A discreet indoor/outdoor zapper

    Reviewer's photo of zapper with dead bugs at the bottom

    5. A flat, tray-like zapper with a safety screen

    6. A pack of seriously effective insect repelling incense sticks

    7. An essential oil diffuser egg

    The reviewer's photo of the egg hanging from ceiling

    8. A popular and powerful mosquito repellant shield

    If it's too late and you're already riddled with bites, then Bug Bite Thing is going to make life a whole lot less itchy and swollen.

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.