35 Moments From The "Once Upon A Time" Finale You Need To Remember

    After a long summer, you may have forgotten everything that went down in the action-packed Once Upon a Time finale. Here's a recap to brush up on before the Season 3 premiere on Sunday, Sept. 29. Massive spoilers for "And Straight on 'til Morning," obviously.

    1. We begin in the past, with Bae held captive by Captain Hook.

    2. Bae reveals his true identity as the Dark One's son.

    3. Back in the present, Mr. Gold is about ready to go Carrie on his only grandson.

    4. The bad news bearers arrive to let Gold and Henry know that Neal is dead and soon everyone else will be, too.

    5. Gold is basically cool with the impending apocalypse.

    6. Hook is helping out Greg and Tamara, who set out to activate the trigger.

    7. But Greg activates the trigger anyway, smashing the diamond with the pickaxe.

    8. Regina explains that everyone is going to die except Henry.

    9. Hook switches sides, because duh, he's largely motivated by self-preservation.

    10. Back in the past, Hook's ship is boarded by the Lost Ones, who are looking for Bae.

    11. Bae manages to successfully hide, but the Lost Ones aren't happy.

    12. In Storybrooke, the dwarves break into Mr. Gold's shop looking for Sneezy's drinking stein.

    13. Leroy has enough extra potion to restore Belle's memories, too.

    14. In the past, Hook and Bae totally bond over their absentee dads.

    15. Present day Hook and David find Greg and the remaining beans.

    16. And Regina and Emma find the diamond — but Regina's real plan is to sacrifice herself to save everyone else.

    17. Regina uses her power to slow the diamond down, thereby giving everyone else enough time to escape via magic bean.

    18. Mr. Gold decides to restore Belle's memories after all.

    19. Once he learns of Regina's plan, Henry refuses to let her die. He's so noble and stupid.

    20. Hook tries to reason with them, but common sense is no match for niceness.

    21. Bae learns the truth about Hook's involvement in his mother's death.

    22. Emma, Mary Margaret, David, and Henry arrive to save Regina, but there's one small problem.

    23. Back to the past, where Hook hands Bae over to the Lost Ones.

    24. Storybrooke is rapidly falling apart.

    25. But Emma suddenly realizes that if she joins forces with Regina, they have enough power to stop the diamond.

    26. The diamond is deactivated and Storybrooke is saved.

    27. Except, oops, amid all the chaos, Greg and Tamara kidnap Henry.

    28. Greg and Tamara open a portal and make their escape, with Henry in tow.

    29. But look who's back! And guys, he's got a bean.

    30. Gold says goodbye to Belle and leaves her in charge of Storybrooke.

    31. Surprise, Neal is alive.

    32. On the Jolly Roger, Hook and Gold have their big confrontation.

    33. In the past, the Lost Ones are going to bring Baelfire to Him, but Bae's not the boy He's looking for.

    34. With the last bean, Hook, Regina, Emma, Gold, Mary Margaret, and David sail into a portal to rescue Henry.

    35. "Peter Pan never fails."

    Season 3 of Once Upon a Time premieres Sunday, Sept. 29 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.