20 Signs You're Filburt From "Rocko's Modern Life"

    "I'm nauseous, I'm nauseous, I'm nauseous."

    1. Sometimes you feel like the world is out to get you.

    2. And really, who can blame you?

    3. Life feels like a joke that you're not in on.

    4. You constantly feel judged by everyone around you.

    5. You find yourself stuck in the most awkward situations.

    6. And even when you try to look cool, you fail.

    7. Naturally you're suspicious of everyone around you.

    8. So you cower.

    9. And complain.

    10. And indulge in your vices.

    11. And it's aging you beyond your years.

    12. It's enough to make your head spin.

    13. Luckily, you find distraction in your interests.

    14. And your sense of humor.

    15. And in the friends who stick by you.

    16. Even in the direst situations.

    17. So don't panic.

    18. The world is a terrifying place, but it's a little less terrifying with loved ones at your side.

    19. And people like you, even when you're a neurotic pain in the ass.

    20. Which means you never really have to worry about being alone.