There's Now A Luxury Car For Millennials, So Obviously We Drove It

    It's nice...but can I live in it?

    Last week I was invited to test drive a new luxury SUV aimed at "older millennials". I'm not a car writer but I do like luxury (I mean who doesn't?!), and I was intrigued to find out what millennial luxury actually looks like.

    Here's what I found:

    A sensor under the car so you can open the trunk sans-hands.

    A wireless charging pad for you phone, because who has the time?

    A 4GB Wi-Fi hotspot so you can always stay ~connected~.

    The ability to sync up your smart watch, Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa device, if you have them.

    Apple CarPlay, and a decent-sized screen on the dash.

    There's also a sunroof. Because of course there is.

    And finally: heated seats, which will ruin you for other seats.

    So, there you have it. I was expecting an avocado toast holder or maybe a millennial pink-leather interior – but it was nice and luxe nonetheless!

    BuzzFeed travelled to the Lexus UX launch courtesy of Lexus.