This Is What Happened When An Aussie Asked A Mexican About What Mexican Food Is Really Like

    Mexican cuisine is definitely the superior cuisine.

    For as long as I can remember, Mexican food in Australia has been decidedly, well, not-actually-Mexican.

    So, I've enlisted the help of my friend Moni, who works in the BuzzFeed Mexico office, to enlighten us once and for all on the cuisine.

    In fact, I've realised I actually know nothing about Mexican cuisine!

    Here's everything we discussed:

    1. First and foremost, what filling should actually go into a taco?

    2. What would you say is the most popular taco filling?

    3. And I have to ask — hard shell or soft shell taco?

    4. We love nachos here in Australia — you'll find it on pub menus and it's a staple at most 'Mexican' eateries. Can you confirm or deny if it's at all authentic?

    5. Is there anything else that other countries deem 'Mexican food' that you shake your head at? Anything that makes you go: "Absolutely not, completely inauthentic!"

    6. What would a fancy three-course meal in Mexico look like?

    7. You'll have to educate me! What's mole and enchiladas and why do they sound so delicious?

    8. Okay, but onto the real deal: What's a typical breakfast in Mexico City?

    9. And how about lunch?

    10. Wait, you don't have lunch?! So how are meal times organised in Mexico? When do you eat? How often do you eat?

    11. What's a Mexican dish or food absolutely everyone has to try immediately?

    Two gorditas on a brown paper napkin on a red plate and two loveheart eye emojis.

    12. And finally, Moni had just one burning question for me: What is Vegemite? She had read a lot of opinions on it and was super intrigued...

    @tomhanks Dear Mr Hanks, Here's a helpful step-by-step guide for Vegemite toast.

    Twitter: @PeterWMurphy1

    Louise: This is a great question! The short answer is that it's a savoury spread that Australians absolutely love to put on toast.

    The long answer is that it's a very intensely flavoured and naturally umami yeast extract made from leftover brewer's yeast. Because of how strong its flavour is (it's on the salty side!), only a tiny amount of it is needed. It's often paired with butter, which makes the spread milder and more palatable. I firmly believe that any negative opinion of Vegemite is just because the ratio of spread to carb (you definitely don't want to eat it by the spoonful, trust me).

    Let us know in the comments if there's anything else about Mexican cuisine you'd love to know — or if you have any questions for Louise about Australian food.