This Relatable Comic Is For Everyone Who Is Scared Of Everything

    Meet Frankie Fearless.

    You've probably seen Brian Gordon's hilarious web comic Fowl Language around.

    funny comic about a duck

    Featuring a very relatable family of ducks.

    funny comic about a duck

    Since he's mastered the art of hilarious ducks, he's moving on to a brand-new series being published by a groundbreaking webcomic app, Tinyview!

    comic of guy looking at Tinyview app

    Meet Frankie Fearless, the adventures of a girl who’s anything but fearless — she’s basically afraid of everything.

    Frankie Fearless comic

    After Frankie moves to a new city called Larry (named for Gordon's own hometown of Lawrence, Kansas), creepy mysteries start popping up everywhere.

    Frankie Fearless comic

    So while she’s trying to get used to a new school in a new town, she’s also being bombarded with weird happenings wherever she goes!

    Frankie Fearless comic

    To follow all of Frankie's adventures, simply download the Tinyview app!

    Frankie Fearless comic

    Yay webcomics!