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    9 Things People With Bare Nails Will Never Understand

    *Finish nails, realize you have to pee, cry inside*

    1. Knowing the endurance of your mani vs. your pedi will never align.

    2. Putting on glitter polish that you love, knowing all too well what the removal process will be like.

    3. Not being able to decide on a color, and asking yourself this important question:

    4. How your nails feel when you can't decide on a color.

    5. How your nails feel when you keep trying to paint over the chipped tops.

    6. Finishing your nails and then realizing you have to pee.

    7. When you think your nails are dry, but then do something and end up with the dreaded ripple.

    8. Feeling weirdly exposed without polish.

    9. And trying to paint both hands yourself.