17 Ridiculously Gendered Children's Toys

    So. much. pink.

    1. These "his and hers" basketball hoops.

    2. These (super fun?) cash register toys.

    3. These pink and blue toy laptops for dolls.

    4. This purple and pink T-ball set.

    5. These dueling golf club sets.

    6. These tricycles made in colors for a boy OR a girl!

    7. This "princess coup" vs. this manly red one.

    8. These pink and blue cleaning "toys."

    9. This "girls" tent vs. this "kids" tent.

    10. This, erm, toddler purse.

    11. These "feminine" and "masculine" building blocks.

    12. These gendered roller skates.

    13. These Lego cases in which one contains a firemen set and the other a SUPERMARKET.

    14. Or this Lego princess box vs. this Lego construction box.

    15. And this pink Lego "FAMILY BUILDING KIT."

    16. These dump trucks.

    17. And this pink shopping cart that doesn't even have a blue option.